Example sentences of "to [pron] [adv] much as " in BNC.

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1 Explain to them as much as you can about what 's going on and emphasise that they are in no way to blame .
2 Making all due allowance for the return of historical tragedy as farce , watching this soporific monolith of the virtuous rise out of the debris of a liberating movement is akin to nothing so much as witnessing Bureaucracy emerge from the ashes of Revolution .
3 Even so , I was looking forward to nothing so much as a long hot soak in the bath .
4 Yet I offer to you as much as I possess , and so much as old age has left me , with the utmost satisfaction , as being at least a testimony to the instruction and delight that I have received from your marvellous invention .
5 The words took time to sink in — to herself as much as to the rest .
6 She went on , as if talking to herself as much as to us , " My father was a ship 's master , for old Mr. Stavanger .
7 The doctors told them to talk to him as much as possible and to play tapes of his favourite music , but Ken Lomax did not respond to their long , rambling , one-way conversations or the endless repetitions of his favourite country and western music .
8 Fabia was holding on to him as much as Ven was holding on to her when their lips met .
9 Andrew loved her , and nothing else in the whole world mattered to her as much as that .
10 He took no special notice of her , but she felt welcome , and when he was explaining some method of or reason for the cultivation of certain trees , she sensed he was talking to her as much as to the boys and girls around them .
11 ‘ I am old enough to be your father , ’ I said to myself as much as to her .
12 After a selection has been made it is a useful exercise to spell out — to oneself as much as to others — why that selection has been made .
13 ‘ Let's see if he can babble to us as much as he did to Irvine . ’
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