Example sentences of "to [pron] [adv] [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Explain to them as much as you can about what 's going on and emphasise that they are in no way to blame .
2 As for church raffles , football club sweeps and fairground tombola , they are fizzy lemonade in comparison and football pools have always seemed to me as harmless as the Christmas sherry .
3 They survived the bombing en route and reported to me as cheeky as ever .
4 Which was that Ellen had sworn herself to celibacy while she worked as a cook , a decision that was to me as eccentric as it was both incomprehensible and frustrating .
5 Making all due allowance for the return of historical tragedy as farce , watching this soporific monolith of the virtuous rise out of the debris of a liberating movement is akin to nothing so much as witnessing Bureaucracy emerge from the ashes of Revolution .
6 Even so , I was looking forward to nothing so much as a long hot soak in the bath .
7 He laughed , but she was pleased to see that he was fast becoming his normal self , this unwonted display of humility being hidden , perhaps only ever to be shown again to someone as close as her .
8 To someone as proud as Angel , this , and the result of the war , had been the ultimate humiliation .
9 Once official Court life had begun on 1 January with the reception for the foreign ambassadors , its high points between New Year and the beginning of Lent were the four Court balls , to which as many as four or five thousand guests would be invited .
10 Yet I offer to you as much as I possess , and so much as old age has left me , with the utmost satisfaction , as being at least a testimony to the instruction and delight that I have received from your marvellous invention .
11 Middle Eastern people are comfortable talking to you as close as six inches away .
12 And I 'll get on to the and we 'll get them an appointment out to you as quick as we can .
13 Why on earth should cats have any reactions at all to something as sophisticated as human music ?
14 Compensation claims amounting to US$400,000,000 for property destroyed and looted during the invasion [ see p. 37706 ] were outstanding against the US government ; estimates of the number of civilians killed during the fighting varied from the official US figure of 220 civilian dead [ see p. 37181 ] through that of 320 ( with 3,000 wounded ) given by a human rights group , Physicians for Human Rights , to one as high as 4,000 dead .
15 The words took time to sink in — to herself as much as to the rest .
16 She went on , as if talking to herself as much as to us , " My father was a ship 's master , for old Mr. Stavanger .
17 The doctors told them to talk to him as much as possible and to play tapes of his favourite music , but Ken Lomax did not respond to their long , rambling , one-way conversations or the endless repetitions of his favourite country and western music .
18 Fabia was holding on to him as much as Ven was holding on to her when their lips met .
19 They called on Mr Walter Campbell and in their " A Highland Tour " published in 1845 reported that " at the time of our visit , as we learned afterwards , he was close to the painful discovery which , it was said , was to him as unexpected as it was unwelcome a discovery of his utter insolvency !
20 They called on Mr Walter Campbell and in their " A Highland Tour " published in 1845 reported that " at the time of our visit , as we learned afterwards , he was close to the painful discovery which , it was said , was to him as unexpected as it was unwelcome a discovery of his utter insolvency !
21 But sometimes , on the darkest nights , when the waves pounded the shingle like bursts of distant gunfire , both the science and the symbol would seem to him as transitory as those drowned lives and he would find himself wondering if this great hulk would one day yield to the sea , like the wave-smashed concrete from the last war defences , and like them become a broken symbol of man 's long history on this desolate coast .
22 ‘ And the Guinea Coast afore that ? ’ she prompted , hoping for tales about unknown Africa that seemed to her as strange as the moon and as far away .
23 Andrew loved her , and nothing else in the whole world mattered to her as much as that .
24 He took no special notice of her , but she felt welcome , and when he was explaining some method of or reason for the cultivation of certain trees , she sensed he was talking to her as much as to the boys and girls around them .
25 The air , fresh and cold , smelled to her as sweet as a sea breeze .
26 ‘ I am old enough to be your father , ’ I said to myself as much as to her .
27 After a selection has been made it is a useful exercise to spell out — to oneself as much as to others — why that selection has been made .
28 Not that Luke Hunter would ever descend to anything as crude as rape .
29 He did not refer to anything so vulgar as payment , of course , because the Gnomes would not expect it .
30 But as Arafat and his colleagues knew full well , the Lebanese state was not beholden to anything so exotic as parliamentary democracy .
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