Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun sg] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Er it 's not due to my expertise at all , it 's just mainly due to the fact we do n't go to shows these days we 've always in the good old days when we used to go to shows we spent probably a hundred and thirty to two hundred pounds a year so we never had very much money as we do n't go to these shows and spend this money it is it is a it is accumulating each year .
2 I was n't very close to my dad at all .
3 ‘ It was tough at the start but I knew I had to hang on to my serve at all costs , ’ she said afterwards .
4 Wish I was going to my bed at eight o'clock .
5 Having put down the bottle , but still entranced by the ( to my nose at any rate ) sweet , dulcet tones of the essence , I decided to take another whiff to convince myself I had not really been dreaming .
6 That leaves tomorrow to approach the board , and as I shall insist that the arrangement must be made by Monday — the bank of course , will wish to appoint its own auditors — if you can come to my office at four o'clock on Monday afternoon , Colonel Blair , I shall introduce — you to your superiors .
7 ‘ I 've settled my affairs to my satisfaction at last . ’
8 ‘ If you come to my house at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning , I 'll make sure that he 's there . ’
9 ‘ Dhia , the year 's coming to its ending at last , I fear .
10 His killing drew condemnation from the leaders of all the main parties , and prompted speculation as to its significance at such a time of crisis on the level of national politics .
11 The interior of the cave soon admits daylight from a vertical shaft on the moor above , Little Douk pot , and then meanders in darkness for half a mile to its entrance at Middle Washfold , due south over the wall in the next allotment where an isolated outcrop of limestone makes a white scar on the dark moor .
12 A child rated as ‘ attached ’ to its mother at nine months ( crying when she leaves the room , for example ) may express its attachment to her again at 18 months but through a quite different behavioural repertoire ( leaving mother but repeatedly checking back ) .
13 When the television marketers object , ITN can point to its News at Ten slot ; its 10.15 advertising break commands the highest rates of the day — £50,000 for a 30-second ad .
14 Charles later saw to her commemoration at thirteen other churches too .
15 A clue to her problem at last .
16 Delivering her back to her hotel at five in the morning , he had taken her in his arms in the lobby , not caring if the world witnessed his kiss .
17 She placed her knife and fork on to her plate at last and looked up to find his sparkling eyes upon her .
18 Er , you know , because anything belonging to a wife belonged to her husband at that time .
19 Poor Hugh never came to her mind at all .
20 Deformed sperms , de-energised sperms and sperms deterred by the acid environment of the womb , were catalogued so that when the camera followed the successful ones on their journey it seemed a miracle that any got to their destination at all .
21 To add to their guilt at this lack of self-control , some books say that from 36 weeks , pregnant women are n't likely to gain any more weight and that from 38 weeks they may even lose some !
22 The fact is that we give exceptional leave to remain because it would be inhumane to send some people , such as the Croatian that the hon. Member mentioned , back to their country at this time , even though they may not have made a claim of persecution .
23 Training is not only highly desirable but is now a statutory requirement and last year 2,000 U.K. Rentokil staff and 145 managers attended courses and seminars in addition to their training at local branch level .
24 The Wandering Jew 's returned to his home at last ! ’
25 It did not surprise him at all that the Chairman 's answer should come , hand-delivered , to his villa at four o'clock in the morning , and that the rendezvous would be away from Baghdad .
26 He needed no telling twice , but alas the episode was fatal to his position at United Racecourses and he thereupon turned to other activities .
27 ‘ Boy ’ Mould had served in France with 1 Squadron in 1939/40 , where he had shot down the first German aircraft to be claimed by R.A.F. fighters over the Western Front ; he had over eight victories to his credit at this time .
28 The River Police Headquarters Building was not far from Southwark Bridge , and Redpath felt he 'd better call there to put his problem , before getting involved in something that might turn out not to belong to his division at all .
29 He gave effect to his decision at seven o'clock that evening .
30 On his arrival , he had asked for hot water to be brought up to his room at nine sharp the next morning , but the sight of one of the young servant girls struggling up the stairs from the kitchen with the huge kettle of boiling water had made him feel so guilty and ashamed he had not asked again .
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