Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun sg] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , these must not be dismissed with hasty suggestions ; it is extremely important to my mind not to discredit the zoophile cause by sounding idiotic and to take great notice of the knowledgeable people who are concerned with managing these creatures even if one does not like their attitudes .
2 The failure of the CPT , Apto 's successor , which had the endorsement of the activist wing of the Roman Catholic Church and of the leading CNT and CUT labour confederations , to emulate the May success was attributed to its failure effectively to mobilize its supporters , which in turn was felt to stem from its mistaken belief that the Colorados were a spent political force .
3 Finally , to avoid a scene , his wife granted him an audience and Alice returned to her room upstairs to allow them some privacy .
4 The Queen who gave it to Andy and Fergie as a wedding present has made it clear to her advisors that the Duchess should not be forced to leave , as long as the she adheres to her agreement not to talk about the marriage break up .
5 Sources close to the ANC said that , in late December 1988 , Mrs Mandela called Dr Asvat to her Soweto home to examine injuries sustained by Stompie Moeketsi .
6 She said to her mother not to worry about when she got back .
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8 The difficulties which children between the ages of roughly 3 and 7 have in understanding basic logical and scientific principles may be related to their inability appropriately to interpret certain linguistic terms .
9 Accused of hen-stealing , fox and vixen had once again insisted on going back to their lair alone to look for feathers .
10 Madeleine , Aubrey thought — although he was far too loyal to his sister ever to say so to anyone — was vain , egotistical and spoilt .
11 But true to his plan not to do anything to interrupt , or to deflect me from , my studies , while I was up at Oxford , he took the first opportunity , now that I had gone down , to enlist my services with The Criterion .
12 Mr Shamir said he would stick to his promise not to make concessions to the Palestinians over the occupied territories .
13 This highlighted his political characteristics and qualifications and may have led to his decision not to preside over the Court of Appeal when it considered the appeal by the Government against the decision of Glidewell J rejecting the decision to ban trade union membership at GCHQ .
14 A Gulf war hero will be flown back to his ship tomorrow to face disciplinary action after going absent without leave .
15 Thereupon he turns back irresolutely and returns to his house only to find , as a fresh disappointment , that his wife is not there .
16 Roy Porter suggests that the reasoning behind Chesterfield 's advice to his son never to laugh , was that laughter might reveal rotten teeth .
17 She was gabbling , her voice breathy and barely under control , because she 'd raised her eyes to his face only to find the expression there more disturbing than the casual masculine pose he 'd adopted , and which had already reminded her of the night she 'd spent in his bed .
18 WILLIAMS : I hope I may trust to your discretion not to let Mr. Belville know from whom you had the information .
19 You have examined the work of other authors , which I called to your attention only to indicate the avenues that are open to us , not to say ‘ This is great writing : emulate it . ’
20 Did he deliberately draw himself to your attention merely to involve you in this new Ordo — or because he hopes you might lance the boil of a conspiracy without him needing to show his own hand ?
21 Belief , in this sense , facilitates a more abstract acceptance of conformity ; it leads us to conform in the absence of immediate personal advantage from doing so ( or even where it would be to our advantage not to do so ) .
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