Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Shepherd Moons ’ is religious music in its most contemporary and pure form , from a thirty year old woman who has devoted her soul to its production much as the monks of the middle ages created illuminated manuscripts .
2 I turn , therefore , to what I consider to be the primary issue in this appeal , namely , whether there exists a principle whereby a subject who makes a payment in response to a demand of taxation ( or other like demand ) from the Crown which is unlawful either because it is wholly ultra vires or merely excessive thereby acquires a prima facie right to its repayment forthwith as money had and received .
3 Hating to eavesdrop , Belinda struggled to her feet again as Tom spoke .
4 That was how she saw it and it added to her perturbation just as the sight of Tom leading hay over under the far wood gave her a quite unnecessary pang for she had never really loved him .
5 One young woman is still as attached to her parents now as she was when she was small .
6 Without saying anything further , he shifted his enormous shoulders more comfortably against the door-frame as though settled for the rest of the day , and moved his eyes to her mouth almost as though he was waiting for her to speak again , she thought , feeling thoroughly disgruntled .
7 She asked him to come to her room so as not to overhear any more , and then they went downstairs in an express lift : a glass-and-gilt beetle that hurtled the twenty-eight floors in nine and a half seconds .
8 Her clothing moulds itself to her body so as to reveal or to promise as much of the delights within as it conceals ; it too includes silk , soft to the touch ( 3235 ) and the fresh warm taste of morning milk ( 3236 ) .
9 It was a little dark after the strong sunlight , but it was cool , and she sank to her seat thankfully as Felipe stayed at the bar .
10 The ribs will move back to their resting-place again as you allow yourself to breathe out .
11 We generally got to their place just as they were finishing breakfast .
12 The third year student , known to his friends simply as Donm Lau is thought to have taken his own life just days from his final exams in modern history .
13 The Head , who had obviously prepared a lengthy moralising talk for this historic first assembly in the new sports hall rose to his feet just as the bell for the end of assembly rang .
14 He reached the doorway to his cellars just as one of the trolls , with a lazy flick of one ham-sized hand , sent his axe whirling across the room .
15 One typical Whig satire of 1710 had Louis XIV thanking the Tories for coming to his rescue just as he was losing the war , saying " your very Principles are agreeable to absolute Monarchy , and Designs of Tyranny ; and your Practices are … such as have often reliev 'd and supported me " .
16 Her skirt had ridden up and she clung to his shoulders convulsively as she yielded to the sweet torment of his long fingers stroking over her thighs .
17 KEITH Curle goes back to his roots tonight as Manchester City face a survival battle .
18 POTHOLER Ellis Barker , 36 , from Manchester plunged 60ft to his death yesterday as he explored a cave near Santander , Spain .
19 H well , back to obscurity , ’ a Tory MP muttered to his colleague yesterday as they passed a journalist who failed to leap forward and solicit their views on the party leadership .
20 Be prepared to centre yourself in revery , to give yourself up to your memories just as your sleeping self gives itself up to a dream .
21 These exercises , which are easily and quickly generated , can be presented to your students either as printed worksheets — you will be provided with the answers on a separate sheet — or can be put on to a floppy disk so that a student or group of students can work on screen .
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