Example sentences of "to [pron] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 poet to whom CD dedicated The Old Curiosity Shop .
2 The chairman of the Action Group is Mrs Leslie Parker , 301 Lanark Road West and the chairman of the education committee is Councillor Mrs Maginnis to whom letters supporting the replacement of the temporary classroom units should be sent .
3 The director was Michael Winner , who had made The Jokers , and to whom Crawford sent the script .
4 Nor was I the innocent bystander taking his lunchtime beer in his local , to whom Shmekov slipped the information , two hours before the police grabbed him , that altered the Alliance 's whole strategy towards the opposing ’ powers in the Southern Apex .
5 Mr Phelan is referring to my promise to read the Bible at a rate of five chapters a day , thus finishing it in a year .
6 I coughed and spluttered and gagged a few times , then fell back into Jamie 's arms , bringing my legs up to my chin to ease the ache in my stomach muscles .
7 I have always put it down to my ability to understand the subject
8 I felt that I might be able to apply what I learned — if indeed I learned anything — to my attempts to reconstruct the life of Elsie .
9 So from high above London I began a series of drawings , often adding extra leaves to my sketchbook to extend the rectangle .
10 How could I get to my study to take the drug ?
11 If the burrow to my left represented the squalors of the subconscious , here to my right was the chill of the super-ego .
12 What I tell him is the background to my commission to write the script .
13 ‘ This morning I 'm taking you up the coast to my house overlooking the Sound , and if the weather stays as good as it is at the moment we 'll spend the afternoon on the beach at Hornbaek , which means we 'll go right past Kronberg — we can even stop off and take the tour if it appeals to you . ’
14 The title I have given to my paper echoes the extended title of the conference .
15 One day in February 1943 I returned to my billet to find the usual envelope addressed in my mother 's round handwriting .
16 His body rolled away and uncovered the blood-spattered broken body of my poor dead sister , and even as I raised my hand to my mouth to stifle the scream , I saw the vicious green lizard dart into her hair .
17 For reasons best known to himself Carr kicked the legs from under Murray , leaving referee Brian White with no option but to order him off .
18 The Institute 's initiative in providing this service to its members has the support of the Review Panel and the Department of Trade and Industry , as well as the Auditing Practices Board and the Accounting Standards Board .
19 For the last three months , the Government has been collecting responses to its proposals to overhaul the law on leasehold flats .
20 It has also made extensive alterations to its Regulations to cover the carrying out of these procedures and subsequent registration of the dairy-goat progeny .
21 In other words , the US government has admitted that it will pay no attention whatsoever to its obligations mandating the peaceful resolution of international disputes .
22 Indeed , recently the French Government suggested that in addition to its measure to reduce the working week , establish early retirement and other features to deal with some of the multiplier effects of growing structural unemployment , it will also engage in a campaign of socially useful production similar to that advocated by the Lucas workers .
23 There the exemption clause , according to its wording limited the liability of some seed merchants ( for supplying defective seed ) to the cost of replacing the seed ; it excluded liability for consequential loss of the buyers ' crop .
24 The LEA judged the role of the advisory staff to be pivotal to its attempts to improve the quality of primary education in Leeds .
25 To its south lies the smaller Hatfield Moor , still quite large enough to get lost in .
26 The Church of England is to face a legal challenge to its decision to allow the ordination of women .
27 Seething at the thought that acne-ridden new savers were getting a better deal than a man of his maturity and substance , he retired like a wounded beast to its lair to ponder the problem .
28 The disenchantment with Keynesian demand-management among policy-makers was due to its failure to overcome the coexistence of high rates of inflation and high unemployment .
29 One morning I received a report on the terms of reference for the Service-wide performance review and wrote a minute to its author stressing the need to define the concept of work .
30 He reaffirmed the government 's commitment to its programme to return the country to democratic civilian rule on schedule in 1992 .
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