Example sentences of "to [pron] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , it is worth bearing in mind that if , as now seems likely , the process of cephalization occurred independently in several arthropodan lineages ( see p.5 ) , interpretations of the head which rely on comparisons between the insects and other arthropod groups no longer have the validity ascribed to them in the past .
2 I talked to them in the Friends ' Meeting House on a dark and stormy summer night .
3 I came to Congress with my contribution to this debate firmly fixed in my own mind , but unsure of the view of the leadership of our union , given the views quoted to them in the press as their own .
4 ‘ Num quid vis ? ’ he said to them in the taxi .
5 ‘ What happens to them in the wood ? ’
6 Since such rules can be optionally applied to the same basic sentence structures , they provide a linguistic basis for the notion of * In this , as in subsequent chapters , we number examples and extracts only where we need to refer to them in the text .
7 Down beneath them the lights round the swimming-pool shone cheerfully , and the voice of the singer floated up to them in the starlight , as in a natural amphitheatre .
8 Various aspects of the parties ' life , resources , and activities will be helpful to them in the conflict , but many of these are resources and activities that they will have possessed or engaged in or wished to posses or to engage in in any case , even if they did not take part in the contest .
9 I belonged to them in the sense that when I was interested in something I tried to understand it as far as possible and , of course , even tried to make use of it .
10 Mrs Goreng had been too kind to them in the sense of what to expect .
11 On the contrary it is complementary to them in the sense that its comparative advantage rests with analyses of secular economic developments whereas the existing models ' comparative advantage rests with the short-term developments .
12 When the movement to spread the benefits of restraint through the rest of the city gathered pace in the 1970s , the Germans were fortunate in having the leading exponents of these principles living next door to them in the Netherlands .
13 Many of the herbs Chris uses for treating his fish would be accessible to them in the wild .
14 Singing along to them in the middle of the jungle did seem a little odd , but it kept our minds off things , even if it invited torrents of abuse .
15 In modern terms , he evaluated who was to be evangelised and was willing to take responsibility to go to them in the work of evangelism .
16 Jesus had not left them orphans : he had come to them in the person of the Spirit , who was not only the special gift of the Messiah to the messianic people in order to enable them to know his continued presence with them , but was the first instalment of the Age to Come , the pledge that the last days which had dawned with Jesus of Nazareth would , one day , come to God 's perfect conclusion .
17 It gets to them in the finish and there 's about eight of them
18 It is intended to approach this by studying : — their patenting activity by means of patents granted to them in the United States in the past 25 years ; this will indicate the areas where the industries/economies of each country — and their research/innovative activity appears to be strongest ; — the adoption of the selected major postwar innovations and their diffusion in the industries of each of the countries covered ; — their performance in ‘ high-technology ’ areas ; — certain indicators of the countries ' energy economics ; — and possibly assess their productivity level in comparison with some West European countries ; Economic research institutes in Sofia , Prague , Budapest and Warsaw will cooperate by providing — where necessary — the technical and statistical information required .
19 ( b ) ‘ authorised insurers ’ , ‘ the Council ’ , ‘ practising certificate ’ , ‘ the roll ’ and ‘ the Society ’ shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
20 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
21 ‘ practising certificate ’ and ‘ the roll ’ have the meanings assigned to them in the Solicitors Act 1974 ;
22 Apples were also taken west to Greece and Italy , and Homer refers to them in The Odyssey , which was written between 900 and 800 BC .
23 If randomized control and experimental groups end up substantially different , something that happened to them in the experiment almost certainly caused this .
24 I must have stood next to them in the Tube , passed them in the street , of course I 've overheard them and I knew they existed .
25 Not that anyone in the company seriously questioned whether the new outlet would be successful ; they had seen American tourists ( although not necessarily Californians ) on holiday in England ‘ going crazy ’ over the designs and assumed people would flock to them in the States .
26 I spoke to them in the doorway of an old stone-flagged kitchen full of saintly pictures .
27 Midge happened to be standing next to them in the shop where they got the bum 's rush .
28 In the following year they staged a number of occupations of churches , but even that avenue of protest was closed to them in the end , because it became too dangerous .
29 He sold , he sold it to them in the end .
30 And like half way through it they said ehm , they 've giving somebody the wrong prize money or something , they 've giving somebody fifty pounds , they should off giving it to this other coloured women right , and apparently this women was giving it all wow man yeah man , and all this you , you know they give it to them in the end and then she won the twelve hundred pounds .
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