Example sentences of "to [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Combined with the suggested resolution one and including our amendment of the addition of the word enforcement , these strategies would offer much greater protection to the consumer minimizing disturbance to residents and reducing unfair competition and I would like to recommend that these views be communicated to as the views of this county council , thank you .
2 It has meant , that churches need to be bold and be young or a threat to what we belong to as the edges between church and and community have blurred we are now much more vulnerable .
3 ‘ These institutions instil and cultivate in their cadets what were once commonly referred to as the virtues of southern manhood — honour , chivalry and devotion to God , state and family , ’ wrote one alumnus in a letter to a newspaper .
4 Er they crossed there to for the mails for years and years .
5 The case law upon this point has already been examined and should be referred to for the purposes of the discussion which follows .
6 She returned to her room , giving herself a talking to along the lines of , what else had she got to do that day anyhow ?
7 Sometimes such problems are tackled by putting the students to work in twos and threes , so that good readers can help the slower ones ; in the case of fairly lengthy work-cards , where more explanation is given , it is also helpful to record the text on a cassette , which the slower reader can listen to with the words before him , increasing his familiarity with the written word at the same time as giving him the information that he needs .
8 Marxist-based studies of crime are sometimes referred to under the titles of radical or critical criminology .
9 The ICAEW recognises that many of the detailed provisions , designed with the individual private investor in mind , may not be appropriate for the experienced or corporate client ( referred to under the regulations as ‘ corporate finance clients ’ ) .
10 Thus , for example , a household with an RNR value of 200 per cent has an income equal to twice the amount of benefit that it would be entitled to under the regulations of the time .
11 Section 231 requires information specified in Schedule 5 to be given in notes to the accounts regarding what are referred to in the headings to the section and the Schedule as ‘ related undertakings ’ — an expression which the Act does not define but which includes parent and subsidiary undertakings , associated undertakings , joint ventures , and undertakings in which the company has a substantial holding .
12 The following cases are referred to in the judgments in the Court of Appeal :
13 Finally , the plaintiffs contended , the documents referred to in the sub-paragraphs of the order which Wright J. set aside are clearly documents which show the state of the trust and therefore are trust documents .
14 I do not know whether there are 10 members of the management committee or only seven , as is referred to in the notes on clauses .
15 There was not much to object to in the bones of the debate .
16 From 1968 onwards Nicaragua was repeatedly referred to in the Reports of the Court to the General Assembly as a State that had accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court , and the United Nations Secretariat had made similar listings .
17 A very short separate " Declaration of Trust " ( because such matters can not be referred to in the entries on the Register ) to the effect that the parties hold the property and the proceeds thereof in trust for themselves as tenants in common in whatever proportions may have been agreed between them .
18 This equable climate has long appealed to people from northern Europe ( especially the United Kingdom ) as a place to escape to from the rigours of a cold winter .
19 And you used to be ab well you used to be able to over the flames of the fire on one side , and then er a saucepan on the other on the in one side with your vegetables in one side , with your potatoes in and then you used to have your oven with a for your meat .
20 But this was a great feeling of what we had been used to over the years in watching American movies and , with our tongue in cheek and a bit of a giggle , seeing the adventures of the cavalry arriving , And for the first time in our years of combat I had a glow , a rosy glow , inside me and I knew and was certain for the very first time now we could not be beaten .
21 Prior to coming to Save The Children through the media , I was more aware of your work , the emergency work all over the world .
22 It is worth reflecting what a most remarkable contribution women have made to Save The Children throughout its seventy four years history .
23 Welcome to Save The Children in Sutton Coldfield where children from school have taken over the shop for a day .
24 So to summarise , whatever the event , whatever your skill , whether you 're a branch or a non-branch volunteer , I encourage you and everyone else to do something to Save The Children in nineteen ninety four .
25 Who wants to listen to at the Gates of Dawn ?
26 Always referred to by the locals as ‘ the Spanish ’ , they had their own school ( where the Hotel Monte Carlo is now situated ) and the New Year 's Eve parties here were particularly popular .
27 Spinoza was , in any case , little attended to by the moralists of this period .
28 When these anxieties are ministered to by the products of the instant government under which we now with remarkable acquiescence subsist and are abetted by draftsmanship of the esoteric kind sometimes adopted by our professional brothers south of the border , we may expect to be confronted by problems of dimensions quite disparate to the simple issues which are essentially involved .
29 Delay due merely to the complexity of the case or contributed to by the actions of the defendant himself should never be the foundation for a stay .
30 Delay due merely to the complexity of the case or contributed to by the actions of the defendant himself should never be the foundation for a stay .
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