Example sentences of "to [noun] [prep] the second " in BNC.

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1 In 1920 she went to Moscow for the second congress of the Third International .
2 Long words are less likely to be identified given current performance , but parts of these words will be , and they will correspond to homophones in the second set of valid words .
3 Commentators noted that some of the unsuccessful presidential candidates in the first round were likely to lend support to Ratsiraka in the second round , due to take place in January .
4 THE DEATH of Harry Boot on 8 February at the age of 65 removes a distinguished figure from those who contributed in an outstanding way to the successful application of British science to radar during the Second World War .
5 He admitted the great debt which the country owed to Churchill for the Second World War .
6 M&J Ross and Son of Romesbeoch , Shawhead , Dumfries , received a 3,400gn bid for their Zora of Romesbeoch from J&JW Ions of Thorneyburn , Hexham and RT Lawson and Son , Airlies Farm , Wigtown , went to 2,800gns for the second prizewinner Zulu , the September l991 bull brought out by Ian Henderson of Langholm .
7 Things may have gone a bit quiet on Intel Corp 's joint venture with VLSI Technology Inc to develop chips that include iAPX-86 cores for use in handheld devices , but Intel says that the effort is quietly progressing and that early next year it expects to see manufacturers offering small , lightweight hand-held computers based on the new chips ; Intel is currently preparing fully functional samples of the chips for shipment to manufacturers in the second half .
8 For Celtic and Macari , a vital game tomorrow in advance of Tuesday 's flight to Lisbon for the second leg UEFA Cup tie .
9 It hopes these measures will return it to profitability by the second quarter of 1993 .
10 In a gloom at being at school in the first place and being next to Heather in the second , I push my hands into my jeans pocket — we are n't supposed to wear jeans at school — and discover some chewing gum , antique but welcome .
11 Although essentially the poor man 's housecow in Ireland , the breed was exported to England in the second half of the nineteenth century to become the rich man 's pet , favoured for its dainty good looks .
12 The percentage of respondents familiar with Call Forwarding and Call Waiting grew in 1992 over 1991 ; from 56% to 62% for the first and from 34% to 46% for the second .
13 They take a three nil lead to Swansea for the second leg of their first round tie .
14 Sell on a strike they say , so no doubt the time to sell 3DO Co Inc 's shares are as soon as the first marketable interactive multimedia home entertainment centres to the company 's standard are announced : the shares , floated at $15 , rose to $20.125 on the first day of trading going to $24 on the second day .
15 Arsenal had no option but to take the attack to Oldham in the second half and Rhodes had to save from Thomas , Dixon and Quinn , but when a magnificent ball by Bunn sent Milligan streaking for goal he was hauled back by O'Leary , who was booked .
16 In September 1991 we were given letters saying that the school was organising a ski trip to Austria on the second of April 1992 .
17 And I particularly draw members ' attention to top of the second page where you are requested to indemnify Age Concern for any redundancy costs that may arise in the future .
18 He and his wife were Turkish-born Jews who came to Palestine before the Second World War .
19 Workers shell out for charity WORKERS at Shell 's Thornton Research Centre increased donations to charity in the second year of a GAYE ( Give as you Earn ) scheme .
20 WORKERS at Shell 's Thornton Research Centre increased donations to charity in the second year of a GAYE ( Give as you Earn ) scheme .
21 Quintus Fabius Maximus , who punished the Tarentines for going over to Hannibal during the Second Punic War , found the colossal bronze Zeus , the work of the famous sculptor Lysippus , too difficult to transport to Rome .
22 But the Treasury forecasts that it will then fall to 7.25% by the end of this year ( this seems to assume no fall in the mortgage rate ) and to 5% in the second quarter of 1991 .
23 But when Wedgwoods moved to Barlaston before the Second World War , the place became a steel works , and all the old buildings and kilns have since been demolished by the British Steel Corporation .
24 MAN FOR THE JOB GARRY Schofield played the game of his life when he led Britain to victory in the second Ashes Test in Melbourne .
25 Whelan was felled early on by Ball who should have walked then , and who did similar to McAllister in the second half .
26 These persons are frequently referred to as " regular casuals " , although the term is also sometimes used to refer to people in the second category .
27 The new corporate body would have the power to set rates , decide on network design and development — and could refuse to interconnect with the second network .
28 Oxfordshire side Bicester are already on their way to Twickenham for the second time in two years .
29 Your own four-record set devoted to music of the Second Viennese School was , I know , one of your most cherished projects .
30 And then down to Ivrigar on the second night . ’
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