Example sentences of "have taken off [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If I had n't had the golf-bag on my shoulder , I would have taken off with the umbrella .
2 I may have taken off in the wrong direction entirely .
3 It really does seem to have taken off in the U.S. since its team started losing .
4 After the arrival in France of the advance reconnaissance party on 6 June 1944 , Major Fraser had taken off with the main recce party on 10 June .
5 Sure , my partner had taken off with the two-headed bankroll .
6 Unnerved by Alejandro 's great roar of laughter , Maldita had taken off into the pampas , somehow miraculously missing rabbit holes and fallen logs as she hurtled along .
7 He and Pam had taken off on the very day the fair ended — a fact that did not go unnoticed by the locals .
8 Having gathered them up , I found the rest of the brood had taken off down the mountain .
9 Then we went in to Hamish and Tone 's for tea and apologies , and later drove to the castle for what would have been the most excruciating interval of my life if Verity and Lewis had still been there , but they were n't ; they had taken off in the car to visit some friends of Verity 's who lived in Ardnamurchan , and would n't be back until late tomorrow at the earliest .
10 The engine leapt , shouted , and was tamed , and in less than a minute we had taken off from the little beach and were circling the island .
11 At 0748hrs Zeros and Val dive-bombers which had taken off from the Soryu attacked .
12 The EF1-11 radar jamming plane had taken off from the Upper Heyford airbase .
13 Three advance hand in hand over irregular ground , the last half-hidden by the rim , and around the other sides ( fig. 115 ) others , some with transparent drapery , have taken off into the air and float free — an imaginative adaptation of the black background to the new idea of spatial setting .
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