Example sentences of "have taken [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You know , the number and I mean has n't been able to get round to buying space in the T T G and Travel Weekly until the first two weeks in February cos we were so late in informing him I must had this conversation has taken away the brochure so there 's not a copy here but we 'll try and get hold of some as soon as possible but I mean they 're mainly for Glasgow but had been been up there from R and D y'know and she said that the people up there did n't seem to know the slightest thing about interline how to deal with interline tickets and agency tickets and all that sort of business .
2 Not in appearance which has changed little , nor in character which remains in essence that of a medieval settlement , but the former strongly individual atmosphere of the place , the aura of bygone days , has been destroyed by the coming of the motor car which increasingly has taken away the privacy of the little town .
3 Enslaved by the mindless dullness of fixed routine , Shirley has taken literally the realisation that she may as well talk to the wall .
4 The IT Committee has taken further the cooperation with the Centre Du Reidij in France .
5 They 've taken away the master computer file and charged him with , well , we do n't know exactly what but it involves an awful lot of money .
6 The vote will be seen as a victory for the local authorities , who put so much pressure on the clubs , and many of the delegates were relieved that the vote had taken away the threat of possible punitive action from their local councils .
7 The PLO , of course , saw its often murderous operations as a sacred duty ; they were fighting the occupying power that had taken away the land of the Palestinians .
8 Bruce , a second-hand dealer for 15 years , said he had taken away the items in a van but returned the next day because he wanted to buy a chest of drawers .
9 I blamed Hilda for it , I felt she had taken away the gamble , the risk that made it worth while .
10 clarification that that 's the er just the amendment relating to where you were trying to take away the rights of ward members to attend ? as you have taken away the rights of members on questions , comments er and other things
11 Only now it is more difficult to spot because they have taken away the visitors ' platform and the view through the most celebrated new gap in the Berlin Wall is often obscured by the steady stream of tramping East Berliners and their Trabant cars .
12 They have taken seriously the aspirations of the masses themselves and credited them with an independence , sense of direction and rationality of their own .
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