Example sentences of "have to make the [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 One has to make the best of a situation , after all .
2 ‘ Well , you 'll have to make the best of it . ’
3 She 'd just have to make the best of it .
4 Usually a limited number of offers can be rejected but there is no guarantee that a subsequent offer will be an improvement , so in many rural districts applicants may have to make the best of either inappropriate housing or housing not ideally located with regard to their workplaces or existing patterns of use of facilities .
5 You 'll just have to make the best of the situation .
6 ‘ You 'll have to make the best of it , ’ were the Headmaster 's last words on leaving that morning to catch the 9.22 to Victoria .
7 But whatever the reason behind it , if there was a reason and it was n't simply someone shaking up names in a box and picking one out here and there , it was like banging your head against a brick wall to attempt to fight against Movement Orders — here she was and she had to make the best of it .
8 But now the thing was out and he had to make the best of it .
9 The real limitation was time ; many students , although they enjoyed the projects , felt the pressure of looming final examinations and said that they were unable to complete their project to their own satisfaction and had to make the best of a bad job in order to work at other , equally pressing , aspects of the course .
10 Labour was in government and had to make the best of it , but the party was with a less numerous support bloc than even the Selsdon Heath of 1970 .
11 we had to make the most of it !
12 As military obligations were the only visible tie between Rome and the allies , Rome had to make the most of these obligations lest they became meaningless or , worse , lest the allied armies turn against Rome .
13 Elizabeth Adams : ‘ I think perhaps I did not require from Somerville as much as I might here , fromJean Stanier : ‘ Somehow the fact that it was wartime put a sharper edge on things , as if we had to make the most of something that might not last ’ .
14 They just have to make the best of things and not confuse ‘ sorrow ’ with ‘ despair ’ ; even the hobbits ' schoolboy humour has a point .
15 Well , I mean to say you have to make the best of things .
16 We have to make the best of what we have . ’
17 I 've just come to realise : this is my life , I do n't know how long I 've got , I might as well enjoy that time being me , because I 'm stuck with this body , this face , this skin colour ; I have to make the most of it .
18 Art had always tried to give back what he had gained in life , he felt grateful for what he felt he had to be given , some said he 'd achieved a great deal , but in his heart he felt fate had dealt him with him gently and you have to make the most of the lo of the card life deals you .
19 The Horbys themselves say they have to make the most of what they have with Leah .
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