Example sentences of "have also [vb pp] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 He has also called for an election to a constituent assembly to be held within two months , to restore ‘ institutional democracy … as soon as possible . ’
2 David Barnes , who joined the board in 1986 and is the only obvious successor to Sir Denys , has also argued for a different approach .
3 And he has also argued for a tougher approach to environmental enforcement and development of environmental technology .
4 Tony Prosser ( Prosser , 1982 ) meanwhile has also argued for a new critical and objective theory of public law , in his case derived from Habermas 's work on communicative competence .
5 He has also worked for a period , several years ago with the dye house production control at Templetons .
6 In the US , the National Resources Defense Council has also petitioned for a faster phase-out of ozone depleters , calling for the CFC deadline to be moved from 2000 to 1995 , a 1993 ban on production of methyl chloroform and methyl bromide , and a 2005 ban of HCFCs which are not yet included in the protocol .
7 The scheme has also provided for the building of roads to take the goods to market , and other projects to help ease the transition .
8 Pendrich has also qualified for the sprint freestyle , but currently lies in eleventh place and has little chance of replacing Sheppard as the new champion .
9 Irish professional Martin Sludds , who lives in Southport and has an attachment to Formby Driving Range , has also qualified for the tour school along with Chorley 's Liverpool-born professional Paul Wesselingh .
10 They 've also applied for a licence to hold all-nighters in premises adjacent to Quadrant Park which could hold 4,000 people .
11 A rugby blue , he had also played for the Barbarians .
12 However , the plaintiffs had also asked for a winding up order under s 122(1) ( g ) of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
13 I had also asked for a chair-lift and a motorised wheelchair , which have not arrived .
14 The exiled monarch had also called for an immediate end to military rule .
15 Reagan had also hoped for a ‘ clean ’ bill , one that was not adorned with ‘ ornaments ’ — in other words , concessions made to facilitate passage .
16 He had also arranged for a small box of hand-made chocolates to be given to each of them upon departure .
17 At the new master 's decree , today was to be a day of merrymaking : workers from his nearby shoe factory had been specially brought in by charabanc , and a syndicate of local industrialists had also gathered for the festivities .
18 The Estwicks were in Hong Kong , Giles having been required to visit the head office of one of their major commercial sponsors to finalise the details of a competition the radio station was shortly due to run for them , and Cavell Fielding had also departed for the Crown Colony a few days previously , telling Maria that whether she returned depended on Luke 's instructions .
19 If my memory serves me correctly , he had also worked for a while in the office of a chartered accountant , but to no avail .
20 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
21 I have also campaigned for the Government to give AIDS greater recognition , not as a disease affecting specific sectors of the community , but as a social problem for which there must be adequate welfare provision .
22 They have also auditioned for the BBC 's ‘ Generation Game ’ — so look out for them on ‘ 's show ’ .
23 Pupils have also trained for the catwalk to model during the fashion show , while others will serve up Asian refreshments .
24 Striking miners have also asked for the resignation of President Gorbachev , the transfer of power to the Council of the Federation ( made up of the presidents of the different national republics ) , and new elections to the Soviet parliament .
25 We have also invested for the future in two new depots .
26 We have also shown for the first time such treatment also decreases basal gastric acid secretion significantly .
27 I have also looked for the planetary nebula NGC 7662 , which is in the field with the triangle made up of Lambda ( 3.8 ) , Kappa ( 4.1 ) and Iota ( 4.3 ) .
28 We have also acquired for the Society a vast range of photo-copied material , which is also open for viewing .
29 We have also known for a long time that morphine cures diarrhoea .
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