Example sentences of "have been there [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And your sister 's ten years older than you so they must 've been there ten years plus , must n't they ?
2 you , you must 've been there ten years plus .
3 They went to : Doreen Bethwaite of High Road , Kells , who works in the preparation department and has been there 45 years .
4 He has been there 19 days — God knows how he looked when he arrived .
5 He was really annoyed , he 'd been there twelve years
6 She 'd been there two days and was running out of money .
7 Yeah , when I started in nineteen thirty one and in those days you got a rise every six months and I got a one and three rise after they 'd been there six months and at the year I was earning seventeen and six .
8 The Manageress there erm I was there and she , I , after I 'd been there eighteen months , she had a heart attack and the girl took up her tea tray , one of the girls took up her , because she was n't on duty till about just quarter to six to do the money .
9 You 've been there quite a whi well yes you 'd been there seven years when you gave up had n't you ?
10 He said that he 'd been there three weeks .
11 ‘ I should like that very much , but you must have been there many times before . ’
12 It 's just a little shop , she 's been there years , she must have been there thirty years at least .
13 The money should have been there four-and-a-half years ago when we needed it most .
14 But they had a new headmaster oh he 's just retired , he 's been there been there since Lynn was there when since she was since the er she 's twice that age so I mean he must have been there eighteen years but when he went there he 's er totally the school from the word go
15 He had been there many times before .
16 I had been there nine times previously , but I supposed it was the same as your time as a baby — you could not remember a thing about it .
17 When one prisoner who had been there six months found his wife was about to have a baby , he was taken by the turnkey to the room of a shabby man dressed in a torn and darned rough-weather sea jacket who had once been a surgeon on a passenger ship but was now ‘ a ghastly medical scarecrow ’ , Dr Haggage .
18 The Manager of Managers had been there thirty years .
19 There were ten birthday cards on the mantelpiece , but they had been there two days and she took them down .
20 By now we had been there several hours and things were n't looking very optimistic .
21 They had been there three weeks .
22 But after she had been there three weeks , she was asked to make a house call .
23 No fewer than 75 of the 99 households recorded in 1861 had been there ten years earlier .
24 When Juliet asked about staff who had been there twenty years ago , she went into a long rigmarole about the different jobs she 'd had , and her family problems , then digressed to the present staff .
25 I deal with children all the time erm many of my I 've been there eight years now and so lots of children have passed through my hands who in particular have lots of educational problems and need special help , and I suppose somebody though erm that although the rage now is to have Governors who are working in industry , and that 's perfectly proper , that it would n't be a bad idea to have somebody who is supposed to have some knowledge and background of the way children behave and what children need , so erm although I do have some politics , you know , Bill , I erm largely keep them quiet in the governing body .
26 If I was on the streets of Ireland now , and I 've been there many occasions and someone said to me , look at that Welsh get there , I would just have to take it .
27 I 've been there six months now .
28 I 've been there two years now .
29 You 've been there nine years then .
30 Not really , not really , you just , we 've been there seven years now
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