Example sentences of "have been [to-vb] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Our central initiative has been to urge that Labour , with others , should mobilise a major national demonstration , plus cultural activities , that would provide a unifying focus for campaigners .
2 Mr Florio 's formula has been to embrace those Republican policies which brought economic growth to the state during the Reagan years , while sharply attacking the Republicans ' conservative stand on social and environmental issues .
3 What I have been concerned about in this short section has been to compare some simple forms of growth equations deriving from quite different traditions .
4 On the other hand , the coastline 's area is zero , so neither a one-dimensional nor a two-dimensional picture is appropriate , and in fact the way in which the length increases with resolution suggests a dimension D of about 1.2 The mathematics of sets of points with fractional dimensionality was developed in the early years of this century , but associated geometric objects were considered as ‘ pathological ’ and not corresponding to anything in Nature , Mandelbrot 's massive and single-minded achievement has been to convert this abstract formalism into a flourishing branch of applied mathematics , in three ways .
5 Within the English tradition of radical , ‘ Marx-influenced ’ , sociology the tendency has been to concede that social mobility is in principle important ( large-scale mobility would make a difference to one 's analysis ) , but to deny that really significant social mobility has taken place .
6 The solution adopted in converting several two-aisled church interiors into dwellings has been to regard this low-level central strip as a spinal access corridor serving all , or most of the flats — a sort of internal ‘ street ’ .
7 The original Conservative proposal had been to unload all secondary or graduated pensions on to the private sector .
8 Jamel Mobuto 's first two decrees on taking office had been to free all political prisoners being held there and the immediate dismantling of the Security Police .
9 Winchelsey 's pre-eminent objective had been to ensure that clerical taxation by the crown — conceded in principle at the Third Lateran Council in 1179 — was subject to clerical consent and was collected and managed by the clergy , a necessary corollary to their freedom of consent .
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