Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] by many " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , its application to class differences has been recognised by many commentators , most notably in the work of Basil Bernstein ( 1971 ) on whom Greenfield leans heavily .
2 The use of sacred measure and proportion has been developed by many researchers to postulate a geometrical pattern across the land , extending Watkins ' ley theory into wider concepts of ‘ landscape geometry ’ , and we have already looked at the work of Tyler , Lawton and Koop in exploring wider patterns .
3 The ideological success of Thatcherism is that it has been adopted by many young people for the values which direct their life style .
4 Palynology has been adopted by many biogeographers and pollen analysis was the basis for the reconstruction of the detailed vegetation history of many specific areas although more recently emphasis has changed from individual sites to the reconstruction of patterns of change in Britain ( e.g. Barber 1976 ) and in the tropics ( e.g. Flenley , 1979 ) .
5 Superficially , such a judgement would have been rather puzzling , given that adverbs , including adverbs of manner , normally can qualify the verb believe : ( 71 ) we must reluctantly believe what she says 4.8 The proposal to treat the adjectives of Sections 4.5 and 4.6 as if they were part of a modified subordinate clause is not of course a novel one ; notoriously , the postulation of modified subordinate clauses has been adopted by many writers in recent decades as a grammatical panacea for all manner of syntactic problems .
6 It has been adopted by many authors and consultants and it seems to mean many things , depending on the author and context .
7 The reliability of the sedimentation tube methods , as determined by good reproducibility of results from repeated analysis of the same samples and by analysis of multiple sub-samples from individual sediments , has been recorded by many workers .
8 The September issue of Catholic Voice , our diocesan newspaper , carried an insert — four pages giving an overview of the diocese — what has been done by many people — clergy and laity — during recent years — what should be developed or initiated , together with a general account of the financial position .
9 This type of model has been implemented by many other large organizations including American Greeting Cards , Amoco Chemical Company , Atomic Energy of Canada , Bell Canada , Electronic Surveillance Command of the United States Air Force , North-western Bell , and Union Carbide .
10 Meanwhile , the British Red Cross has been contacted by many people across the region offering accommdation and help if more wounded from the former Yugoslavia are brought here in future .
11 The unchanging , unknowable , eternal wellspring of that energy has been called by many names in many civilisations : Brahman , Allah , God , The Absolute , to name a few .
12 Sport has been called by many , including such opposing writers as Robert Boyle ( 1963 ) and Paul Hoch ( 1972 ) , a ‘ mirror ’ reflecting , in often exaggerated ways , aspects of social life .
13 SWALEDALE has been called by many the most beautiful of all the dales and though I would argue with that definition , it is certainly one of the finest .
14 West Burton has been called by many " the prettiest village in the Dales " , and though I think that Dent village has them all beat hands down for style and atmosphere , West Burton runs a close second .
15 That point has been made by many business organisations .
16 Its independent status has been supported by many companies , merchant bankers , stockbrokers and lawyers .
17 Each of the proposals is carefully designed to meet a clear deficiency in our present arrangements , that has been acknowledged by many of the organisations that have commented on the Green Paper .
18 It seems to have been working — up to a point at least — and even members of the opposition Popular Front agree that he has been accepted by many Moldavians .
19 The importance of loss and low self-esteem to depression has been accepted by many .
20 This route has been followed by many of our European competitors — notably Germany .
21 ‘ It has been assumed by many that this will lead to a system of ‘ educational inheritance ’ directly comparable to that observed in capitalist societies ’ ( Giddens 1981 , pp. 231–2 ) .
22 This level , however , has been achieved by many of the developing countries today and expansion of their secondary and further education sectors will not by itself solve their economic problems .
23 The preservation of a pseudo-aristocratic culture within the upper class has been emphasised by many authors as a source of Britain 's weakness .
24 The importance of colour in the water has been emphasised by many successful zander men and I for one rate it as of paramount importance for daytime zandering .
25 This giant company has been formed by many smaller companies joining together to share their money , or capital , and their skills .
26 Her finding of a mean right ear advantage ( REA ) in , the recall of dichotically presented material by right handers has been replicated by many investigators ( see Studdert-Kennedy , 1975 ; Berlin and McNeill , 1976 ) and is now a firmly established phenomenon .
27 He has been seen by many vets , and a dermatologist , who have prescribed a range of treatments including antibiotics and anti-inflammatories .
28 As King ( 1977 ) shows in his major study of land reform in most parts of the world , altering the patterns of land ownership , inheritance and use has been seen by many as a necessary part of the search for more productive use of land , and hence as a solution to the endemic poverty which characterizes so much of the world :
29 This advocacy , he said , " has been seen by many countries as tainted with a political desire for delay in agreeing further emission reductions " .
30 This energy related universal relationship has been confirmed by many subsequent studies .
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