Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [noun sg] by " in BNC.

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1 Friends of the Earth has been given permission by the High Court to pursue a legal case against the government over the level of pesticides in drinking water in the Thames and Anglian regions .
2 Russell Ferrante has been given permission by the High Court to ask for a second inquest into his son 's death .
3 The loneliness many older people experience has been given respectability by certain social theories which either seek to give , or are interpreted as , an explanation for the isolation of older people .
4 Paula Bale , the Fijian-born Canterbury winger who played for New Zealand in Suva last weekend and was in the All Blacks ' squad for the RWC Sevens at Murrayfield from 16-18 April , has been given clearance by the NZRFU to represent Fiji — proof , yet again , of what a farcical situation the present haphazard laws on international eligibility place the game .
5 ‘ History ’ has been given prominence by the New Historicists , while for some graduate students and younger academics ‘ politics ’ has come to seem , as the Goldsmiths Professor at Oxford lately remarked to me , a kind of vital protein , without which a literary work is fatally impoverished .
6 The recommendation that costs thrown away as a result of the death or illness of a judge in the course of a trial should be paid out of public funds has been given effect by the Administration of Justice Act 1985 .
7 Parish councillor and qualified stonemason Jim Wingham has been given approval by Cleveland County Council to provide a roadside welcome sign for visitors to Victorian Saltburn .
8 Has been given notice by Head that he will be returned home if he continues to refuse to co-operate .
9 A man accused of murder has been granted bail by magistrates .
10 Turner has been offered employment by the company of Newport 's new coach , Gareth Evans , at a better salary than he currently enjoys .
11 He 'd been taken prisoner by the Japs , and had been shipped to Japan , and was working in a warehouse in the docks on the morning of 9 August , 1945 .
12 Had the Republican candidate in 1980 been an ideologue , he would have suffered the same fate as Barry Goldwater in 1964 ; if , by some fluke , he had been elected , he would have been denied cooperation by congress and would have been drummed out of office in 1984 .
13 She 'd have been given help by the Lord Chancellor 's Department , and her costs would have been minimal .
14 Many Bristol graduates will have been taught music by Professor Ray Warren but I wonder how many have been taught mathematics by him ?
15 The Bishop quotes , with approval , G. Bennett on spider webs : It is impossible for one who has watched the work for many hours to have any doubt that neither the present spiders of this species nor their ancestors were ever the architects of the web or that it could conceivably have been produced step by step through random variation ; it would be as absurd to suppose that the intricate and exact proportions of the Parthenon were produced by piling together bits of marble .
16 The Majlis now had 268 members , the results in two single-member constituencies having been declared invalid by the Council of Guardians ; re-runs for these two seats would be held by means of mid-term by-elections .
17 Leon Trotsky himself arrived in Mexico in early January 1937 , having been granted asylum by president Cárdenas .
18 Having been offered shelter by one of the Armstrongs , Hector of Hardlaw , whom he had helped some years previously , he was treacherously handed over to the Earl of Moray , Regent of Scotland since Mary 's enforced abdication .
19 Rita 's teaching experience has been enormously full and varied , including recreational classes ranging from her first class of East-enders at Plaistow to her university class at Newcastle 20 years later , courses for schoolchildren , for Civil Defence trainees and for physiotherapy students ( only this year , at the Sports Medicine exhibition , physiotherapists came up to the Medau stand to say that they had been taught Medau by Rita Quick ) , and work with the mentally ill and disabled .
20 By a notice of appeal dated 1 March 1991 the defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the donee of the power of appointment , the defendant 's mother , Mrs. Mary Steed , did not know that she had been appointed attorney by the defendant and accordingly could not have known that she had any power to deal with his property when she executed the transfer of 4 September 1979 , and that in those circumstances the plea of non est factum ought to have succeeded on the judge 's finding that the donee was tricked into signing the transfer ; ( 2 ) the judge having rightly concluded that the transaction as affected was not a sale , save possibly at such a gross undervalue as to vitiate it as a sale , should therefore have held that the transfer was void and ineffective ; ( 3 ) the judge having rightly concluded that he retained a discretion to rectify the charges register against the registered holder , notwithstanding , as he found , that ( i ) the title of the mortgagors , Mr. and Mrs. Hammond , was merely voidable and not void , and ( ii ) that the registered holders of the charge were bona fide mortgagees for value without notice of the facts giving rise to voidability , then wrongly exercised his discretion to refuse to rectify since the considerations in favour of rectification could hardly have been stronger and his refusal to exercise his discretion was tantamount to denying the effective existence of such discretion , as if it was not exercised on the facts of this case it could never , or virtually never , be exercised at all ; and that , in the premises , the judge had erred in law in placing excessive reliance upon ( i ) and ( ii ) above to the exclusion of the other considerations which favoured rectification .
21 The accused claimed that he had been granted permission by a supervisor to take scrap tyres from a certain firm .
22 For many years , no outside organisation had been given permission by the Vietnamese government to establish themselves in their country .
23 A short report in the Financial Times for 19/20 December 1992 states that women who were sacked from a mushroom farm after refusing new contracts that they alleged had made cuts in their pay , had been given permission by the Court of Appeal on 18 December 1992 to carry out a leaflet campaign to persuade shoppers not to buy the farm 's produce .
24 The captain had been given permission by his superiors in Hamburg to sail for any port which would accept his passengers .
25 The opposition groups , ranging from social democrats and liberals to Christians , nationalists and anarchists , had been given permission by the Moscow city council and the USSR Council of Ministers to march after the official parade organized by the trade unions , apparently to pre-empt the holding of a larger unofficial demonstration which might have clashed with the official parade .
26 The students had been given permission by Darlington council to unearth what they hoped would be important medieval remains in Clark 's Yard , Darlington .
27 Third , the ‘ New English ’ settlers who had been given land by the Tudors in a number of plantations .
28 It further alleged that he had been a ‘ fifth columnist ’ working for the Army in west Belfast in the 1970s , and had been given immunity by the RUC to carry a gun and carry out robberies .
29 ‘ The increase in Sinn Fein 's fortunes was inevitable given that they had been given resuscitation by Mr Hume , as he always seems to do when their fortunes are low , ’ he said .
30 During the talks it was reported that the North Korean delegation made it clear to the US team that Kim Jong Il , the 49-year-old son of veteran North Korean President Kim Il Sung , had been given control by his father of the formulation of foreign policy .
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