Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] [art] year " in BNC.

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1 BG has been given a year to complete feasibility studies on the gas-fired scheme with an associated desalination plant which is geared to expected growth in demand for power and water .
2 Malvern Hills college has been given a years notice to leave the buildings — but they 're hoping public support will make the council have a change of heart .
3 The run has been held every year since 1930 , apart from the war years and is the main event in the veteran calendar .
4 I 'd been widowed a year when we met .
5 Columbus 's voyage was over in thirty-five days ; but Magellan 's had been gone a year and weathered a subAntarctic winter before the real task began — the voyage over a trackless waste of waters exactly three times as long as the first crossing of the Atlantic …
6 The latter view might have been applauded a year previously : after Tiananmen , it sounded merely cynical .
7 It had been raised a year earlier at a residential conference for Wirral secondary heads with the sugestion that schools should attempt accreditation under BS 5750 .
8 Eight months later , in May 1989 , Mr Ethrington joined the management buyout team , which had been formed a year earlier .
9 When this collapsed in 1878 , he got a post as a junior clerk with the Distillers Company Limited , which had been formed a year earlier by six of the largest Lowland patent distillers to rationalize production .
10 The independent republic of Honduras had been created a year previously , in 1838 , having once been part of Spanish America ; its fertile coastal plains surround a mountainous interior , rich in forests , and it just manages to have a 40-mile strip of southern coastline on the Pacific to complement its much longer Caribbean seaboard .
11 Apparently it had been near here , not in Bahdu , that the Greek merchants had been killed the year before .
12 Eva had been born the year of the Wall Street crash .
13 Moreover , Bihar had been forced a year earlier to release over 27,000 undertrials , following orders from the Supreme Court in Hussainara ( Shourie 1980 : 137–8 ) .
14 It had been held every year since I was five , and I had only missed it once , the year I was in Nigeria .
15 As the Chancellor 's friends should know , the Government have been warned every year — from the days of Mr. Vredeling until the present time — that additionality is essential , and that this country is breaking the rules .
16 Thus , the published index for April 1985 is no longer a simple Laspeyres index because , since 1974 , the weights have been revised every year .
17 The tenants have been given a year 's notice to quit and they face the loss of their livelihood and homes .
18 Grids may be stained at any point after drying ( some grids have been stained a year or more after preparation ) .
19 The results of the whole exercise were published in an annual White Paper and have been published every year since .
20 The corms have been overwintered every year since then and are now of considerable size .
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