Example sentences of "have been [adv] much [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus far , the emphasis has been very much on the natural science aspects of environmental monitoring and prediction .
2 The issue has been very much on the minds of some of the current councillors after the South Eastern Education and Library Board decided to place Lisburn above Bangor in the priority list for new library premises .
3 CUSHENDALL 'S determination to hold onto their Antrim senior hurling crown has been very much in evidence during this year 's campaign to date .
4 That 's quite specific to the tax bracket but the source of work in Leeds has been very much from er corporate finance and from the insolvency practice , whilst that is er obviously a way forward for us in the initial stages .
5 Now I mean I am interested in this problem , and I have been involved in situations where teachers have sought help in trying to change their teaching style in the classroom , but in all these cases this help the initiative has been very much from the teachers themselves and they 've wanted to do it , they 've wanted to experiment with it and have been given a lot of support and help with it .
6 Hussey denies the charge that he has been too much of a ‘ hands-on ’ chairman .
7 ‘ There has been too much of that already , ’ said Owen .
8 Even the very limited amount of competition and market liberalisation proposed in the Electricity and Gas Directives has been too much for the German ( highly inefficient ) coal-mining interests to swallow .
9 This means that older children must be encouraged to discuss famous texts critically , must be aware of the reasons why the traditional English canon , from Chaucer to George Eliot , has been so much under attack in recent years .
10 Probably because he 'd been so much on her mind , she instantly fell into dreaming of Adam , his dark fathomless eyes and granite features dominating her sleep .
11 We felt this was important and valuable for otherwise she would have been so much in the company of adults .
12 Luckily Miss Malley was on leave at the time , otherwise this event might just have been too much for her .
13 It would have been too much for poor Bridget , looking after them , when she had so much to do .
14 It is hard to believe they would have been too much for the North Atlantic alliance .
15 The strain of prolonged interviews might have been too much for her . ’
16 But as Brown Owl pinned my Promise Badge on me , and said , ‘ I trust you to keep the Promise ’ , the excitement must have been too much for Natalie !
17 Going into another troupe after being a Tiller would have been too much of a comedown .
18 All that good food might have been too much of an assault on his stomach .
19 It would have been too much of a coincidence to have expected Tony Cable to be the engineering investigator at the top of the go-team list since he had worked in Seattle for the Boeing Company before he joined AIB ( the ‘ Branch ’ , as it is known by its members ) and his personal knowledge of that company 's products is obviously substantial .
20 Once it must have been very much on its own , but now there are modern houses within spitting distance .
21 ‘ Rosemary does n't want you living quite so close ? ’ his mother bridled , having been very much against his going at the start , but now , because he looked so upset , ready to take up cudgels on his behalf .
22 Aldfrith appears to have been very much on the periphery of Northumbrian dynastic life before his accession .
23 As for Philip , the prospect of seeing the man who was supposed to marry his sister go off on crusade for an indefinite period seems to have been too much for him .
24 Gentle and unassuming , she had been very much in her daughter 's hands .
25 If Sara did but know it , he had been very much against the provisions of the will .
26 Besides , there had been so much in the Exhibition that might be clearly seen as innocuous , if not actually beneficial to God 's cause .
27 Gone were the colourful historical scenes that had been so much in favour with the Hung Mao .
28 In particular erm we were worried that the county just had not acknowledged that one of the phenomena of the nineteen eighties had been that much of the industrial land in the borough of Harrogate converted to B one office use .
29 Her own father had been as much of a weakling as her husband subsequently became ; Gustave supplanted him .
30 The following day Cardinal Dopfner claimed that the commission responsible for producing the schema had been too much under the influence of the Lateran University — then at odds with the Jesuits , and that the commission had refused to collaborate with the Secretariat for Promoting Unity .
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