Example sentences of "have been [verb] on by " in BNC.

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1 Some he may be hearing in future include : Thy food is such as has been breathed on by infected lungs , ( Pericles ) — useful for insulting prison cooks .
2 Today 's new generation of black directors has been spurred on by two particular success stories .
3 The way ahead for paleontologists trying to build up a knowledge of evolution has been spurred on by the revolution in plate tectonics , which has provided a better understanding of the stratigraphic record and fossilized data .
4 That has been spurred on by the successful growth of that sector in Britain .
5 He claims that Stanford has been leant on by the Chinese government and by American academics , who were scared that the door to China would be closed unless he was punished .
6 This has been pounced on by Germany , France and by the Commission — not , as the British would wish , further to liberalise trade within the Community , but , for instance , to try to abolish controls on the movement of immigrants .
7 Neither party is likely to want to wait until the matter has been decided on by a court .
8 ‘ Kalli ’ , who proved to be such a success with Warwickshire between 1971 and 1990 , has been signed on by Shropshire to play Minor County cricket now that he is English-qualified by residence .
9 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
10 The job of putting the Ryal International Pavillion , Llangollen on the Map has been taken on by Carolyn Brindle who has been appointed administrator .
11 THE early success of the Darlington Business Link , an initiative designed by the Darlington Business Venture bring local trading companies together , has been latched on by other business organisations around the country .
12 That cap capability has been carried on by our own Airforce and indeed the Royal Airforce and our fellow partners in , in NATO .
13 Another approach to creating a user-friendly system has been worked on by Doszkocs at the National Institute of Health : CITE ( Current Information Transfer in English ) is a natural language query capability for the MEDLINE database .
14 There was one abominable story of a young man to whom this happened , a freelance journalist , who 'd been taken on by one of the agencies on a temporary trial which had n't worked out .
15 She 'd been taken on by Harman almost as — well yes , his protégé really .
16 WHILE we are about it , I have been told of another effect that , for heaven 's sake , could not have been stumbled on by Francis Bacon .
17 It could , because you could put and a sailing boat might have been pushed on by the tide .
18 As the Young King wavered between the three alternatives of remaining dutifully at his father 's side , going to Jerusalem , or marching into Aquitaine , he was certainly tempted by messages from the rebels offering to recognize him as their Duke , but he may also have been egged on by Geoffrey of Brittany .
19 Whiteman , who played in the 1992 debacle , must have been spurred on by the memory as his rink took 13 shots over the last six ends while preventing the opposition from any further score .
20 When it occurs , as it often does , in young children , it may have been passed on by holding hands , but the most frequent opportunity for transmission is afforded by the close proximity of sharing a bed .
21 It is believed that the whole of Homer may have been passed on by oral tradition for several generations before being written down in the ninth century BC .
22 The story could n't possibly have been passed on by anyone else .
23 And medical experts say the horrific condition may have been brought on by a paracetamol tablet .
24 In their defence the party leadership could argue that they had been hampered by the lack of a parliamentary majority ; the choice had been hanging on by the skin of one 's teeth or of giving up and holding an election in the face of adverse opinion polls .
25 I had been wept on by so many boyfriends that , had Home Sister known , she would have warned me of the dangers of pneumonia every time I went out on a date .
26 By ten p.m. certain members of the company were sniffing coke or had been turned on by acid or speed or grass .
27 Private Roger Morrison 's body was washed up on a Morroccan beach 10 days ago after his speedboat had been fired on by local police .
28 True , gay sexuality had featured with the Beats , with Kerouac 's ambivalent relationship with Ginsberg , his semi-love affair with Neal Cassidy ; and the subject had been touched on by the early underground , but rather in the way that Ezra Pound 's fascism had been treated , as an interesting eccentricity .
29 Aware that he had been taken on by the college as part of a programme of reform , Minton told Edie Lamont : ‘ They have inaugurated a drive to bring it in line with what they call Contemporary Trends .
30 The cornflower-blue dress she had brought to wear at the finals had been slept on by Ethel and was impossibly creased , as was her face after two nights sleeping in the car .
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