Example sentences of "have been [verb] down by " in BNC.

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1 The plant has been shut down by the government pending investigations .
2 Within the existing topic framework , speaker K 's saying that 's good money is an example of speaking topically , for her , but , for speaker J , the time co-ordinate within the topic framework has been narrowed down by his preceding remarks .
3 A SECOND appeal against East Hampshire District Council 's refusal to allow permission for a house on land at Old School House , Crabtree Lane , Headley has been turned down by a government inspector .
4 AN application for outline permission to erect a detached house at 90 London Road , Holybourne has been turned down by local planners .
5 A request from Shetland farmers to ban all imports of dairy cattle to save their stocks from BSE infection has been turned down by the Shetland Island Council .
6 A major mining project has been turned down by the Australian Labour government in favour of preserving species unique to the area and defending the land rights of Aborigines .
7 A wreath of artificial poppies has been held down by a brick .
8 This last index has been a boon to many UK fund managers concerned over relative performance , since it has been weighed down by the Tokyo market , which has been in sustained fall for a period of nearly three years .
9 The regulator , whose task has been laid down by Parliament , is perfectly entitled to come to me if he thinks that his powers are not enough .
10 The oldest nuclear power plant in the United States , located near Rowe , Massachusetts , has been closed down by its operators after experts from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( NRC ) recommended that it be taken out of service immediately because of doubts about its safety .
11 However , this line of challenge has been closed down by Nikko Hotels ( UK ) Ltd v MEPC plc [ 1991 ] 28 EG 86 , which allows challenges only if the expert has asked himself the wrong question , including a question of law .
12 After that row with my father , I felt I 'd been turned down by them all .
13 Er w and he 'd been turned down by and all the other er top lawyers in
14 ‘ It seemed to me she 'd been worn down by leading a life she was n't fitted for .
15 Dad said , and it must have cost him a lot to say so little after he 'd been put down by me , ‘ I 've decided I want to be with Eva . ’
16 Erm yes , they er , they felt they 'd been let down by the Railway men , I think , or someone else at the beginning at the Strike , and they were out on a limb but er they 'd got to make the best of it .
17 The universe as a whole would have continued expanding and cooling , but in regions that were slightly denser than average , the expansion would have been slowed down by the extra gravitational attraction .
18 After all , at this end of the market where incomes are low and where applicants for credit may well have been turned down by other types of lender , lenders may feel that they have to discriminate particularly carefully to be sure of recovering their money .
19 The plane might have been forced down by fighters or other enemy action , or had to land for some other reason , and we do n't know whether the men were able to get away all right or not .
20 The Commander embarked on one of his monologues on the supineness of the Tory government and the unregenerate socialism of the opposition , interrupted only by murmurs of approval from Fagg , who contributed the insight that rioting yobs in a northern city should have been put down by the Gurkhas .
21 I think I must have been knocked down by a car . ’
22 Greeks found these attitudes hard to understand ; accustomed to connect one-man rule with harsh policing , they imagined that the Persian Empire must have been held down by a system of institutionalized controls — garrisons and garrison-commanders — and touring royal armies and officials , King 's Eyes and King 's Ears , and so on ( Xen .
23 He felt he would have been let down by his fellow journalists .
24 Only three of Armenia 's fleet of seven helicopters remained , the rest having been shot down by Azerbaijani forces claiming that they were used for military purposes .
25 For the first time since 1951 the marchers were allowed to wear hoods in public , Georgia 's anti-mask law having been struck down by the Supreme Court on May 25 as unconstitutional .
26 In 1979 , as a member of the Labour Party Young Socialists , I was gutted , as indeed we all were , when Labour lost the election having been brought down by the ‘ Tartan Tories ’ .
27 It is the propeller salvaged from a Royal Navy Coastal Airship which is believed to have been shot down by a U-Boat in July 1918 whilst operating from Longside Airship Station .
28 Lieutenant Stapleton suddenly realized with a shock of fear that he was lucky not to have been shot down by one of these tattered lunatics .
29 She ought to have been struck down by a thunderbolt , Ronni thought later .
30 The question , therefore , is nakedly raised by this appeal , whether your Lordships are now prepared , not only to overrule , as contrary to law , the doctrine stated by Sir Edward Coke to have been laid down by all the judges of the Common Pleas in Pinnel 's Case ( 1602 ) 5 Co.Rep. 117a , in 1602 , and repeated in his note to Littleton , 344 , Co.Litt. 212b , but to treat a prospective agreement , not under seal , for satisfaction of a debt by a series of payments on account to a total amount less than the whole debt , as binding in law , provided these payments are regularly made ; the case not being one of a composition with a common debtor , agreed to , inter se , by several creditors …
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