Example sentences of "have been [verb] out [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The University of Kent Personal Social Services Research Unit has been carrying out research on outcomes and costs for a number of years .
2 It has been turning out bombs and shells since 1939 , and the Gulf war has already begun to embellish a colourful history .
3 In February , the greysuited banker paid Shell ‘ several millions ’ for the object of his affections : Price 's Patent Candle Company , Britain 's oldest candle manufacturer , which has been knocking out candles at its Victorian factory in Wandsworth , south London , since 1831 .
4 ‘ He must have been let out years ago , ’ said Preston .
5 Nottinghamshire club player Bryn Derbyshire was given a three-month suspended sentence with £300 costs , and had to pay £400 compensation to umpire Joseph Purser after causing ‘ bodily harm by wanton furious driving ’ by reversing his car at the umpire after a match in which he had been given out lbw .
6 Oswald had been handing out leaflets in New Orleans saying Fair Play For The Cuba Committee . ’
7 Magistrates heard that employees had been hosing out residue from used drums — using a high pressure jet — in a defined ‘ washing area ’ .
8 For over a year she had been cutting out coupons from magazines and sending off for make-up samples that she had kept hidden in a small suitcase in the boathouse ; since her grandmother 's death she had brought them indoors and experimented openly , primping all day long , leaving streaks of grease everywhere , on the table cloth , on the bathroom shelves .
9 His last sexual encounter before meeting Angela had been four months previously and Angela had not slept with anyone for nine months since breaking up with her previous boy-friend with whom she had been going out tor a year .
10 He said the Iranians had been carrying out assassinations , including that of his own Japanese translator .
11 Mr Stanley had been carrying out routine maintenance work .
12 The youth was certainly one of the vagabond gipsies , and it looked as if he had been spying out Farmer Yatton 's land , for the very next morning Angela 's daddy came into the farmhouse with the news that several sacks of potatoes and a quantity of oats had been stolen from one of the storehouses during the night .
13 Recently I have been trying out Golfer cardigans .
14 If the wedding has to be postponed or cancelled after the invitations have been sent out notification cards should be promptly despatched .
15 But contrary to the popular belief that mink have been wiping out waterfowl and outcompeting the native otter , detailed studies have shown that over much of Britain the animal was either sharing abundant food resources with other predators or exploiting a niche which was previously unoccupied .
16 ‘ We have been bashing out plans for care management and for better discharge procedures , and on paper we can offer community care very well , ’ said Jim Walker , acting director of Bassetlaw trust 's mental health services .
17 Dozens of birds have been killed by what 's believed to be an outbreak of botulism.Experts at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust have been carrying out post mortems to confirm the cause of the deaths.Richard Barnett reports :
18 Experts from and officials from Amper Valley Council have been carrying out tests to try and trace the cause of the problem at Langley Mill Junior School .
19 This weekend 's meeting is the latest in a series of conferences over the past two weeks during which ministers , their advisers , vice-chancellors , polytechnic directors and senior officials have been thrashing out strategies for expanding the higher education system .
20 Tonight we 're going to take a look at two aspects of education and I have with me Stephen Ball , who 's been carrying out research into the different between streamed and mixed ability classes in comprehensive schools , and Sandy Grassy , who co-ordinates the many links between the science side of the university and schools .
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