Example sentences of "have n't be for [art] " in BNC.

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1 She has n't been for a long time .
2 ‘ He 's not married , has n't been for a long time .
3 Has n't been for a few years .
4 And I think her husband will probably die before she will but erm he cos he 's older than she is even , but erm and he 's not very well , has n't been for a long time .
5 This month David Savage discusses the importance of mistakes within the workshop , and looks at a finish he would otherwise not now use if it had n't been for a disaster
6 The Flying Scot would probably have made the move before now — if it had n't been for a pact Laughton made when he left Widnes sixteen months ago .
7 Fortune having smiled on them , and I mean if it had n't been for a lump of expanded foam out of one of the life boats that had blown up at , if it had n't come floating past me , I mean I would have been a goner as well , but I got hold of that .
8 She said she had n't been for a while and erm then she said they did n't really know , they wondered how she was gon na get on in the water .
9 If it had n't been for the Yeti , I 'd never have met Malcolm McLaren or Johnie Rotten .
10 It 's Sir Ralph Halpern 's view that if it had n't been for the current worldwide recession , many more outside brands would have been introduced to the UK market .
11 I might have travelled at almost eight thousand inches an hour if it had n't been for the stops .
12 However none of these exhibitions could have happened if it had n't been for the groundbreaking work carried out by Lubaina Himid since the late 70s .
13 If it had n't been for the canter Nails would not have been terribly keen for another lesson , but the canter had given him dreams above his station .
14 He spoke honestly , but more harshly than he would have done if it had n't been for the pain he carried .
15 She would have rung him , if it had n't been for the tall constable standing meaningfully by the telephone .
16 Behind his scowling manner was a kindly old man and if it had n't been for the arrival of a rather insipid little boy , she might never have known , nor might anyone else for that matter .
17 ‘ Of course , he 'd never have made it if it had n't been for the skill of our local doctor ’
18 Despite his personal trauma , his professionalism would never have been in question — if it had n't been for the drink and drugs .
19 Nobody would have known that he was planning to puff on home-grown cannabis in Wales if it had n't been for the ironic coincidence that another Mr Perkins had mistakenly opened a package addressed to the actor .
20 This may have been no shattering revelation for any man to make if it had n't been for the fact that in the hot steamy summer of ‘ 89 Lowe got himself laid by two girls in Atlanta , Georgia .
21 If it had n't been for the breastplate of blood , he could have been asleep , legs stuck out , head slumped forward , his woollen cap slipped over his right eye .
22 Come to think of it , Columbia would n't have been around if it had n't been for the blues .
23 If it had n't been for the proximity of the tall dour houses and the unexpected kindness of a young girl , Craig would have been recaptured at once .
24 If it had n't been for the help from her children she could n't have managed it .
25 I knew you 'd rather have been off on your own , if it had n't been for the children .
26 Part of it was my upbringing , of course , but I could easily have had a violent reaction away from that if it had n't been for the inhibiting atmosphere in the company itself .
27 Not even being allowed to come and see you — if it had n't been for the Suvarovs I think I 'd have gone mad . ’
28 I am no molecular biologist , and would n't have dreamed of learning the techniques required to detect the immediate early genes , if it had n't been for the serendipitous arrival in the lab of a young molecular biologist from Moscow , Kostya Anokhin ( grandson of the psychologist and physiologist pupil of Pavlov , Peter Anokhin , whose ‘ functional systems theory ’ I referred to in passing in Chapter 9 ) .
29 If it had n't been for the Neds ' moral scruples , those garments could have been bigger and cooler than F**k .
30 If it had n't been for the machinations of Horemheb … ’
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