Example sentences of "have in a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cornwall has in a separate identity with its own history , traditions , custom and language .
2 The only thing Stewart has in a nice hair-style … so nice he wo n't head the ball .
3 Paragraph ( c ) would appear not to affect decisions in cases such as Kendall v. Lillico ( see paragraph 10–07 ) and Cointat v. Myham ( see paragraph 10–08 ) cases where the purchaser chooses to buy goods for his business from a seller whose terms he has in a consistent course of dealing been apparently quite happy to accept or where the purchaser buys goods in a market in which a trade custom shows that merchants have found exclusion terms to be acceptable .
4 The opportunity to own a home and pass it on is one of the most important rights an individual has in a free society .
5 He spends the day with the shepherd and helps him milk his ewes , and at the end of the day he sees that the shepherd puts the best milk he has in a wooden bowl , which he places on a flat stone some distance away .
6 Expos 'd in a True Picture of [ Jeremy Collier ] ( 1704 ) by Thomas Brown , or Hypocrisie Unmasked , the title of two works with American associations , one published in 1646 by Edward Winslow relating grievances by the Governor and Company of Massachusetts against Samuel Gordon of Rhode Island , the other published in 1776 with the subtitle or , A short inquiry into the religious complaints of our American colonies .
7 Our team lost the game by 125 runs , but they reckoned overall it was the most enjoyable day 's cricket they 'd had in a long time .
8 ‘ This is one of the best evenings I 've had in a long time , ’ Sam said , sipping his coffee .
9 And how how many haystacks would you have in a good year .
10 How much faith can we have in a possible Chancellor who does not have any independent view on something as important as the PSBR .
11 Well they will have in a private school cos if they do n't have the pennies they put up the fees .
12 We must have in a short answer like there 's a definition , most of the concepts there will be erm defined effective protection , its optimal , optimal tariff , trained creation , or trained diversion , there will be concepts that need definition , economic jargon , so you must have an equal er definition in there and you must have examples of how this concept is used , right say erm er one of those about do n't make reciprocal dumping .
13 infer the thoughts and feelings which men would have in a particular situation if they were able to assess both it and the interests arising from it in their impact on immediate action and the whole structure of society .
14 I have asked parliamentary questions about the illegal sale and possession of knives and I was told that 150 people were prosecuted in 1988 for having in a public place such an article with a blade or point and in 1989 , it was 2,018 — a huge jump .
15 The effect of interrupting sleep after two or three hours is to deny the subjects almost all REM sleep , while allowing them much of the deep slow wave sleep that they might be expected to have in a normal night .
16 Truthfulness and openness are particularly difficult aims to have in a British organization where so much of our education and background has been devoted to concealing feelings and to suffering heroically without protest .
17 Miller only credited Bartram with a few plants in the Dictionary : Lilium philadelphum , ‘ at present very rare in English gardens ’ , Toxicodendron serratum , ‘ not yet flowered ’ and Veratrum americanum , another rarity which had in a good season both flowered and seeded in this country .
18 His interest and concern calmed me and sitting in his study at the back of the church I felt more at peace than I had in a long time .
19 It was asked , since the testator had in a general clause charged a trust relating to all dispositions on whoever should be his heir , to pay whatever legacies he had left or had ordered to be paid or done , whether , when Seia made over the three-quarters of the estate , she should vindicate the gardens in full .
20 There are those who claim to be able to tell you psychically just who you were and what sort of life you had in a previous existence .
21 When I was in Stanley last year , even though I was only in my second year , I knew as well as all the other Stanley staff that if we had in a dodgy case the S.S.O. would fix things so that someone else operated on him .
22 Within this mass , the smaller workers have in a similar fashion created chambers in which the pupae hang .
23 ‘ Better than I have in a long time . ’
24 We have in a causal circumstance by itself a complete answer to the question of why an effect occurred .
25 Moreover , Stevenson 's theory , and the attitudinism sketched above , are at their most convincing in their treatment of value charged descriptive words , among which indeed even such words as ‘ good ’ can be counted when we are concerned with the meaning that they have in a homogeneous society .
26 Added to this , MPs and ministers have in a special degree the conviction that central government knows best and that any devolution from London must mean giving powers to authorities that are poorer , weaker , slower , perhaps corrupt , perhaps more reactionary ( for Labour members ) or perhaps more reckless with public funds ( for Conservative members ) .
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