Example sentences of "have tell me the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , these days I can reach the highest shelves of the house library , and walk into Porteneil to visit the one there , so I can check up on anything my father says , and he has to tell me the truth .
2 ‘ If you 'd told me the truth about that years ago , none of this wretched business would have happened . ’
3 He had said to Mr Kuntar : ‘ You could have told me the truth from the very beginning .
4 But my present belief is that if Profumo had come to me for advice ( and my advice , of course , would only have made sense if one postulates that Profumo would have told me the truth ) , I would have recommended that he should throw in the towel ; assert that he had no intention of allowing his private life to be discussed in public ; apologise to the Prime Minister for the embarrassment he had caused both to him and to the party , and withdraw rapidly .
5 But you should have told me the truth from the beginning .
6 And you 'll have to tell me the name of your
7 He did n't have to tell me the rest .
8 I had wept back in the office after Mr Charles had told me the Scharnhorst was steaming up the channel unchallenged .
9 She had told me the tunnels had now been connected up and the workmen used the subway constantly as a private short cut .
10 ‘ I 've spoken to the doctors at the hospital where he was treated , and they 've told me the whole long , miserable story .
11 ‘ They 've told me the plan is that I should be opening , all things being equal , ’ he explained .
12 People have told me the lemon was to mask the taste of the uneven products made at that time by unscientific country brewers ; I do not believe that .
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