Example sentences of "have take him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His research has taken him through the alpine and arid zones of Australia ; botanical history is one of his many interests , and he specialises in the ‘ Compositae ’ family .
2 His American tour kicked off on day one at the Tournament of Champions in Southern California and has taken him to the two major Pro-Ams — the Bob Hope and the Crosby ( aforementioned Pebble Beach National Pro-Am ) — a trio of Florida events — Doral , the Honda Classic and the Players ' Championship — as well as The Masters , the Colonial , the Memorial , the season-ending Nabisco Championship and a slew of less-hallowed events in between .
3 The law of Docherty 's life has taken him on a rollercoaster through football management .
4 The clever Ephron has taken him for a very long ride indeed .
5 Nicholson 's new boy Adrian Maguire has thirty four winners already … but a double from Richard Dunwoody has taken him into the twenties
6 THE BUCK STOPS HERE : Trevor McDonald 's distinguished career has taken him from a poor , but loving , childhood in Trinidad to being ITN 's first solo anchorman Picture : BILL KENNEDY
7 As an agriculturist he has to take him in the garden for practical training .
8 She 'd taken him from the town and the friends that he knew and she 'd brought him to this great , dusty mausoleum of a place where he did n't even like to run around because the echo of his footsteps sounded too much like someone faceless who was following too close .
9 From there , two or three strides would have taken him over the edge and into oblivion .
10 Nate would never have taken him off the presentation if he was n't being moved sideways or demoted .
11 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
12 As he was mental , I mean would you have taken him to a hospital or the station ?
13 Carla would have taken him to the cleaners for that .
14 He was described as an enthusiastic , determined and well-turned-out soldier with leadership qualities which could have taken him to the top warrant officer rank .
15 Oh , I knew that that night I was in a very difficult position , if he had been on the public highway I could have taken him to the police station and taken him
16 I could have taken him if he 's on the public highway , I could have taken him to the police station .
17 Some might have taken him for a mere apprentice enchanter who had run away from his master out of defiance , boredom , fear and a lingering taste for heterosexuality .
18 Just the hint of a vengeful smile accompanied the massage that we could n't just walk off with that there dog — we 'd have to take him to the parcels office and sign for him .
19 He thought of the autumn day fourteen years before when his father had taken him through the hills towards Morar .
20 Owen had taken him for a Sudani because his face was black .
21 Another hour had taken him to a five-mile strip of dual carriageway cut through downland .
22 Secondly , Sir Angus was barely a year out of the Civil Service after a career which had taken him to the chairmanship of the Customs and Excise .
23 Frankie had been told to dress in a hurry , and Sweetheart had taken him to the park near the old railway bridge in Horton Park Avenue .
24 Holly coming back to the bench after an hour 's walk that had taken him to the ski jump where the young people gathered to watch the first of the winter 's athletes propel themselves into the dizzy air flows .
25 When Ricky began taking Jenny out she was surprised to learn that Minton paid him money and had taken him to the Caribbean .
26 The doctor had wanted to bring him here but was not very happy about making the same journey twice , so he had taken him to the next valley .
27 James ' research for this brilliant book had taken him to the archives at Bordeaux , whereupon he discovered that his fellow Trinidadian , Eric Williams , had been there before him .
28 Every harvest festival his father had taken him to the Salvation Army hall in Thurso and was generous in his support when the Salvationists needed to rebuild their hall .
29 As a result they had taken him to the police , and then Sommerville had been questioned .
30 Sir Ranulph , 48 , acknowledged that his record-breaking journey had taken him to the limits of his endurance .
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