Example sentences of "have see [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody has seen him since that day .
2 He has seen her for all of 30 seconds .
3 The ‘ Sinatra/Jagger/Jive Bunny 's Back ’ joke has seen us through many a long winter .
4 He 'd seen her like this before , when she had her nose in those poetry books , and once when he 'd sneaked up the stairs and caught her using the telephone .
5 She 'd seen him with another woman when he was supposed to be away at a conference .
6 I tried to think of when I 'd seen him after that , apart from when we got our degrees — him proud and posing for the family album , me drunk and disorderly .
7 He 'd seen 'em like that afore and a good gallop put 'em right .
8 ‘ You 'll hardly have to see her at all , ’ said my mother , voicing her worry tangentially , ‘ in a house that size . ’
9 Frederica said obviously that the sky and the sea and the boats were uncannily like Van Gogh , and Hodgkiss said that of course they would never have seen them in this way before he saw them .
10 I 'm very sorry , ’ said Breeze sedately , ‘ that you should have seen me in that cowardly moment . ’
11 She must have seen it on some of the murdered woman 's belongings when you first entered the priory but she probably could not place it immediately .
12 I would n't have seen you for another hour .
13 But he declared that he would be unable to recognize Roksanda , after having seen her for such a short time , and that only by the light of his master 's ring .
14 Earlier generations had already noticed the odd consequences which followed from Aristotle 's having seen the human condition as unquestionably that of an Athenian gentleman , and Kant 's having seen it as that of a Prussian bourgeois .
15 ‘ It 's the first time I 've seen him without all his hangers-on , ’ Cy commented .
16 ‘ I do n't know what he does but I 've seen him around this area .
17 The guard smiled , ‘ It 's Charlotte and the boy , we 've seen her on many occasions .
18 I 've seen her in that dress with the whole of the bar top covered in loose change , laboriously counting the coins , bagging the silver and copper coins separately .
19 But , we 've seen them on this side as well !
20 I 've seen them after all ( she 's talking still faster ) … for Harriet they 're just future factory fodder .
21 I 've seen you with that one have n't I ?
22 I 've seen you on that same stage hesitant , unsure of yourself , struggling to get by . ’
23 Do n't forget , I 've seen you in some states , Ruth , practically off your rocker wasting away wrapped up in that sod .
24 and how I could , we 'd see him passing and he used to keep , he used to live in a li , like it was a farm place further on , Sand Mill Cafe , I do n't know whether you 've seen it along that road
25 So I asked them in the lodge like do n't do any damage and Tom was in e he gave them a good lecture so and the lads in the lodge said , Well look you tell them as well not to do this attitude and perhaps you 've seen it on these flumes when they saw a crowd that was there they were changing gear with the Land Rover and through you know like anybody in the way you 'd be underneath .
26 We do see the problems we 've seen it at both ends the goalkeepers have when people chase a lost cause like Rozario 's just done there .
27 I had never met the head of governors , Dr Arnold Barton , though I had seen him at several functions , a thin , tall , stern-faced , lantern-jawed streak of a man who rarely seemed to smile .
28 So impassive and peculiar had the Collector become , so obviously on the verge , everyone thought so ( you would have thought so yourself if you had seen him at this time ) , of giving up the ghost , that his face was scrutinized more closely than ever for any trace of remorse as the gorse bruiser was carried out .
29 That long white robe I had seen him in that night was a sort of hospital gown .
30 More damning evidence came from Polly , who said she had seen her mother in Cardiff about a year previously with three children , and a day later had seen her without any .
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