Example sentences of "have come out in the " in BNC.

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1 Because most of what I have said is fair m most of the case that I wish to put er has come out in the discussion that there has just been .
2 Though I suppose one has to make a passing one has to make a passing er reference to the information which has come out in the other house erm and be publicised this weekend in the press but er er at one million almost one million a slug , M E Ps do n't come cheap , er I suppose one however would want to make allowances for the fact that they have three parliamentary buildings , that they have to go on trips and that er they have to pay er er I suppose German rates for their bureaucracy so there clearly are exceptional factors and indeed I would n't want to make too much of that .
3 And still that mystery in the front room continued , reflected Shirley on New Year 's Eve 1979 , as she examined the handsome features of the dangerous Queen of Spades , and wondered if the King had come out in the deal .
4 I am very pleased we have come out in the shape we have .
5 Stressing that members " who have come out in the open face a serious risk of arrest and detention " , Aford urged the international community " to sustain diplomatic and moral pressure on the Malawian government to respect human rights " .
6 What 's come out in the in the telephone call which you recorded was that er the father baby she is alleging is actually her own father what do you think do you think that puts her in any danger the fact that you 're making this public that the father may hear this .
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