Example sentences of "have come [prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Incidentally , though Walker is held to be still more than a touch rusty after so long away from rugby — inclined , for instance , to carry the ball under the wrong arm — the rapidity with which he has come into cap contention ought to be food for thought for our own Jamie Henderson .
2 And twice this week a bus has come down School Lane .
3 I , I 'm a general practitioner and I would like to back up initially what the convenor has said about the study pack that has come on child abuse but I have a question .
4 The biggest change has come in office building , particularly in London , where in 1989 and 1990 the City , West End and Docklands were full of cranes , hard hats and builders ' wolf whistles .
5 The latest stage in the Guinness growth story has come from TV advertising , with the Guinness commercial in Indonesia being perhaps the most unusual in the group .
6 The most important evidence relating to such differences has come from CT brain scans ( computed tomography ) , which have shown appearances suggestive of slight cerebral atrophy in at least a quarter of schizophrenic patients in varying diagnostic subgroups and at varying stages of the disorder .
7 In Stroud it has to come from hospital time .
8 Barry Mayes of the RSPB said the money will have to come from priority conservation work .
9 Well I ca what I ca n't quite understand is , is that why anybody should have come through land reform and still only have that level of income .
10 So , let's think about our objectives , first of all an objective , I might have come to Abbey Life to make money , last year , I might have been working in a factory , earning fifteen , twelve , fifteen thousand a year , and I might make my objective in my first year with Abbey Life to earn sixty thousand pounds .
11 Solicitors well they will know something about your affairs possibly , because of hav to dealing with houses , other difficulties you may have come across form time to time .
12 ‘ Ah 've come for mah van , Duncan , ’ I drawled from the garage doorway .
13 Now what we 've got to look at is why I 've come to Abbey Life .
14 I do n't know why you 've come to Abbey Life .
15 Whereas before the War , the peak had come with lighting demand in the late winter afternoons , it was , for some years after the War , between 8 and 9a.m. when the domestic space heating demand was at its height .
16 For a split second he experienced that same numbing fear he had felt the first time he had come under enemy fire .
17 Then , just over two years later , John announced at the AGM ( which we use as an opportunity to set spiritual and practical goals for the year to come ) that he felt the time had come for church number three .
18 The time had come for Space Man Scott to go to the moon !
19 The nineteen ports owned by the British Transport Docks Board were basically old railway ports and had come into Government control with the nationalization of the railways in 1946 .
20 The challenge had come from Justice Department lawyers with top secret security clearances and from civilian Army drug counsellors .
21 In late 1917 , proclaiming Labour 's new commitment to ‘ the democratic control of industry [ through ] the common ownership of the means of production ’ , Arthur Henderson pledged the Party to ‘ strenuously resist every proposal to hand back to private capitalists the great industries and services that have come under Government control during the war … we do not mean to loosen the popular grip upon them , but on the contrary to strengthen it . ’
22 My P forty five 's come from County Hall ?
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