Example sentences of "have at [adj] time been " in BNC.

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1 It has at all times been an act of faith and a declaration of belief , the faith and the belief that a society and a nation will fare best , in this world and the next , where the most promising of its youth are withdrawn at a critical period of their development to spend several years in close and intimate proximity with one another and with those whose talent and delight is the pursuit of knowledge of all kinds for its own sake and the communication of that talent and delight to their successors .
2 Durability has at all times been a main attribute of the materials held in highest regard and it is precisely the most durable things that have most chance of surviving .
3 Augmentations are worth searching out , for there is many a manor , grand house , or estate which has at one time been owned by an eminent person in receipt of an augmentation of one kind or another — and there is almost certainly a good tale to tell .
4 A child is not to be taken as having a learning difficulty solely because the language ( or form of the language ) in which he is or will be taught is different from a language ( or from of language ) which has at any time been spoken in the house .
5 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
6 Burnage Court , the big house in the picture hidden in trees at the end , has at some time been cruelly treated , with badly applied half-timbering on the ground floor and tile-hanging on the first .
7 Similar letters were addressed to A and to the company , neither of whom had at that time been charged with any offence under the Act .
8 Jeremy Taylor , who had at one time been chaplain to Archbishop Laud , was no Calvinist .
9 I would imagine that the site had at one time been occupied by a large merchant 's house as four of the houses were built over a medieval cellar .
10 The manager of Goddards , ‘ Wiggy ’ Harris , had at one time been a teacher at the local ‘ School of Art ’ where his father Mr. Joseph Harris was Headmaster .
11 It was apparent as the light grew that the rocks which lay scattered among the trees had at one time been arranged in order .
12 There is also the supportive evidence of a later Greek tradition that skins had at one time been used as writing paper .
13 Semenov had at one time been the Deputy Foreign Minister .
14 She was a nurse , and had at one time been a nun .
15 Although the Victoria was not an especially large establishment , it backed onto an old warehouse that had at one time been split down the middle and then divided up into a series of small rooms that all opened onto a single long corridor .
16 A further survey of men in the Camberwell Reception Centre one night in 1965 found that a quarter of them had at one time been in mental hospitals and a further quarter were heavily dependent on alcohol .
17 His father , the son of a Yorkshire grazier , had at one time been a journeyman packer in London .
18 It had at one time been a larger crude producer than Saudi Arabia , with an output in 1964 of 2.3 million b/d against the Saudi 1.9 million b/d , only being overtaken in 1966 .
19 Busacher had at one time been surprised at Willi 's musical perception , but was no longer .
20 We are told that the animal had at some time been shot and wounded , so today it had been put out of its misery .
21 We are told that the animal had at some time been shot and wounded , so today it had been put out of its misery .
22 The result is that there are books on many library shelves which have at one time been declared obscene or indecent and may be so categorized again .
23 The majority of hairdressers in the North West have at one time been trained by him .
24 Provided they have at least one year 's service with the University by the expected date of birth , or have at any time been eligible to receive full-rate Statutory Maternity Pay or were at any stage entitled to the benefits of a previous employer 's paid maternity leave scheme , women are eligible for 18 weeks maternity leave on full pay , followed by up to 22 weeks unpaid maternity leave .
25 Most people who use an analogue mobile phone have at some time been unhappy with the call quality , and an unfortunate few have experienced the unpleasant side effects of deliberate or accidental ‘ eavesdropping ’ .
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