Example sentences of "have not get [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Obviously the message has not got through to some parts of the organisation . ’
2 Gary has n't got round to watching it
3 Erm so whether she has n't got round to it I do n't know .
4 It 's like , one day developing right and she has n't got round to collecting them yet .
5 The fact of the matter is , if we had not got on to the High Street , it would have been very difficult to justify our coming to Stockton .
6 Interest had been so great that they had not got around to marketing the idea elsewhere .
7 As she blacked out , she thought it was a pity she had n't gotten round to finishing the Christmas decorations .
8 I half thought the implications of Francis 's death had n't got through to her , but that girl does n't give much away . ’
9 They knew he spent his weekends at the flying club , but had n't got around to totting up how many hours of blind flying instruction in a twin-engined Cessna he was buying , nor how much each such hour cost .
10 But Jekub did n't grumble , and he did n't keep on asking Dorcas why he had n't got around to inventing radio yet .
11 ‘ I — I just had n't got round to it , ’ she said weakly .
12 And the reason why they were shoved under the bed was because I had n't got round to sort of you know , doing anything about it sort of thing .
13 And I know it 's not , not saying there 's anything wrong with it , just had n't got round to writing it .
14 Alright it was your I wished I had n't got there to be quite honest but cold as that
15 I mean we noticed that with the referrals and everything but it was purely that you had n't got down to that point to ask for them .
16 Well I had n't got down to the R yet I had n't reached
17 It 's not surprising , therefore , that with all this emphasis upon grading the members of this department have not got around to experimenting with self-assessment , although both felt they might try and introduce something along these lines for the next fourth year .
18 ‘ I have not got back to my normal working routine , quite honestly .
19 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
20 Other medieval houses that are replicated medieval houses just have n't got on to the textiles in the way that we have .
21 So , but if you 'd like it on The Alchemist , and you feel you really have n't got through to The Alchemist , it 's here , okay ?
22 Marriage has certainly been on the agenda but as neither of us feel compelled to get wed on either moral or religious grounds , we simply have n't got round to it .
23 I put on a stone after a recent holiday and I have n't got round to getting it off .
24 I do n't I mean I know I I 'm very busy , I 've got stuff that I should have done , months and months ago , that I have n't got round to doing yet , cos there 's been all sort of interruptions .
25 Lucy Lane said : ‘ There 's a drawer full of letters all jumbled together ; we have n't got round to them yet . ’
26 . The other ideal , which I have n't got round to doing would be to try and appoint somebody on a short term basis .
27 Yes , well , they have n't got round to it .
28 It was arranged yesterday and we have n't got round to telling everybody yet .
29 I have n't got round to it yet .
30 I have n't got round to videoing today cos I was out teaching this afternoon .
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