Example sentences of "have not [vb pp] him for " in BNC.

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1 He says sex education at school is useless and has n't prepared him for what to expect .
2 She has n't seen him for 20 years and remembers him as a ‘ nice guy ’ .
3 I 'd not seen him for six months .
4 Hurley had not forgiven him for the loss of Syrian George , and he was still under heavy pressure from Washington to show results , but in general Coleman made sure they got along for the sake of his back-channel reports to MC/10 Control .
5 His education had not prepared him for this in any way .
6 Life had not prepared him for the task , and it soon became clear that he lacked the natural shrewdness and strength of character that a Gdansk plumber was to show the Polish bosses three years later .
7 Sir Charles , whose practice as a family solicitor in Hertfordshire had not prepared him for this sort of thing , was losing control .
8 I had not asked him for anything , nor had I expected anything .
9 She always forgot , when she had not seen him for some time , how he affected her .
10 She had not seen him for an hour or more , he had been here earlier , had he left in a fit of boredom , was he sulking in
11 She had not seen him for a month .
12 Police broke in after neighbours had not seen him for several days .
13 ‘ Then since you accept what I say , madam — ’ interposed the cardinal with a sense of timing that suggested the protector had not nominated him for the task solely on account of his venerability ‘ — might I urge you to give the prince into my custody ! ’
14 The education process which the 1970s building surveyor had undergone in the fifties and early sixties had not equipped him for a meaningful and identifiable role in the profession of the seventies .
15 I 've not seen him for twenty years .
16 ‘ I 've not seen him for some time . ’
17 The knowing look in his eyes let her know she had n't fooled him for an instant , but he gave a single nod .
18 And it 's rather a good thing this one did look like a tramp , ’ she added , ‘ because you might not have talked to him if you had n't mistaken him for a poor old man , and he would n't have learned anything about Brownies , and we should n't be going to continue to enjoy the use of his lovely Park .
19 He had n't seen him for years but knew of his bass playing .
20 Dalgliesh had n't seen him for more than ten years when he had been a newly appointed inspector in the Metropolitan CID and was surprised to see how little he had changed ; time , marriage , removal from London , promotion , had left no apparent mark on him .
21 It was great because Steve Marriott was on it as well and I had n't seen him for a couple of years .
22 She had n't seen him for nearly three months and she was struck anew by his good looks .
23 I had n't seen him for seven years , though I 'd heard about him now and then — he had graduated through minor journalism to publishing , and was now ( I learned by well-placed casual questions ) a leading light in a go-ahead new publishing house specializing in novels by Angry Young Men .
24 It was when I had n't seen him for a long time and I was all wound up .
25 I had n't seen him for two months , more than two months .
26 He was quite categorical ; Passmore was there on Friday evening from about seven until closing time , but he had n't seen him for several weeks before then and he has n't seen him since . ’
27 They passed two landings , Gordon following her with majestic tread , but faster than one might expect , since although he had lost time in hanging up his raincoat in the hall , he reached the door first , and opened it without any kind of announcement , and Edward was standing , with his back to them at first , thinner and smaller than she remembered , but then she always made the mistake when she had n't seen him for a bit — he turned round , protesting , and it was Edward .
28 I knew him , back in student days but I had n't seen him for ten years . ’
29 She had n't seen him for some years , of course , but she was sure that it was n't like him to be so edgy … so extraordinarily tense and restless .
30 She had n't seen him for almost five years and yet — less than twenty-four hours later — she 'd been not only happily returning his kisses , but also moaning with pleasure at the feel of his hands on her body .
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