Example sentences of "have be see in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The sounds of England , the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy , the corncrake on a dewy morning , the sound of the scythe against the whetstone , and the sight of a plough team coming over the brow of a hill , the sight that has been seen in England since England was a land , and may be seen in England long after the Empire has perished and every works in England has ceased to function .
2 For this reason , just as has been seen in Holland and Germany , the British government has become involved with research and demonstration projects on traffic safety in residential areas .
3 It should be noted that in the dog PYY release has been seen in response to intracolonic oleic acid in the absence of bile salts .
4 Professor Wolf and his colleagues point out that all these diseases may show symptoms of nerve degeneration which are similar to those found in ABL and can also be treated by supplements of vitamin E. For example , a striking reduction in axonal degeneration has been seen in patients treated with vitamin E , for pancreatic insufficiency associated with cystic fibrosis .
5 As has been seen in Chapter Three , the high densities at which the layout was built in Britain reduced its aesthetic appeal .
6 Nothing like this has been seen in Newtonmore before .
7 This has been seen in Fig. 3.2 to 3.4 , and is most extreme for the bones of the feet , for which proportions are usually less than half those of the major limb elements .
8 The heart chakra , for example , has been seen in terms of a river curving around a conical hill with a church .
9 Often the " essence " has been seen in terms which wider study of religions has shown to be too narrow or too idiosyncratic or in ways which undermine the significance of the external forms of religious traditions .
10 As it has been seen in Buxtehude that drivers take about six months to change their driving style and attitude , further falls in emissions are possible as they increasingly adopt defensive driving in third gear as an appropriate style rather than the aggressive driving in second gear that characterises their responses on first encountering Tempo 30 zones .
11 Mickey Duff , Wharton 's manager , said : ‘ Wharton is the most exciting fighter that has been seen in Yorkshire and Castro is a good fighter .
12 In a statement , the BBC said the Panorama programme was bound by the Scottish ruling because it would have been seen in Scotland .
13 Aethelheard , abbot of Louth in Lindsey , who became archbishop of Canterbury in 792 , may have been seen in Kent as a ‘ symbol of Mercian rule ’ , but he appears to have obtained from Offa a confirmation of the immunity of Kentish churches ( CS 848 : S 134 ) 52 and he presided without Hygeberht over a synod at London attended by most of the bishops of southern England ( CS 265 : S 132 ) .
14 Geoffrey Dudgeon , 35 — on the run from a Leicester jail when James Doy was shot dead last week in Rotherham — was reported to have been seen in Southampton .
15 Drake , on the other hand , the piratical darling of Good Queen Bess , returned from a transglobal raiding adventure with a holdful of Indonesian spices , and paraded through the streets with his crew bedecked in the captured finery of the most astounding oriental silks and damasks ever to have been seen in England .
16 She stayed away for two weeks , and there were reports that she had been seen in Bath with Sergeant Troy .
17 He had been seen in Wales by a DJ who had suggested that he look him up , should he ever come to the big city .
18 The obvious benefits have been seen in videotapes showing missiles and bombs hitting targets with extreme precision .
19 ‘ We have identified three different individuals that have been seen in Puget Sound in previous years , two of which were spotted in the area of the pits . ’
20 Most birds have been seen in December , January or February , but there is one record for October ( 30th , 1949 , Sidlesham ) , one for November , three for March , and one for April , of a bird which stayed at Pagham Harbour from 18 March to 3 April 1962 .
21 Perhaps the most dramatic reactions against central state planning and a willingness to experiment with market forces have been seen in China , the USSR , Poland , and Hungary .
22 Girls have been seen in Italy , spinning with spindles over a balcony , while their sisters sat knitting below , which lends support to such a theory .
23 If you watch Prisoner ninety , ninety percent of er of the actors have been seen in Prisoner .
24 Systems of this type have been seen in beer production , cigarette manufacture , electrical appliances and soap manufacture .
25 Traditionally children with special educational needs have been seen in terms of a deficit model — just as disruptive children have .
26 Since 1964 , when I first worked ( and lived ) in the region , what I have been seeing in babies and young children is starvation : a host of children of one and two years who can not sit up unaided , who do not or can not speak , whose skin is stretched so tightly over the chest and stomach that every curve of the breastbone and ribs stands out .
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