Example sentences of "have be [adj] in some " in BNC.

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1 The take-up has been disappointing in some respects , with the most highly motivated members attending several courses .
2 FLACO HAS been involved in some fun collaborations over the last couple of decades — his trembling accordion signature on Ry Cooder 's ‘ He 'll Have To Go ’ and the peppy bits on Dwight Yoakam 's ‘ Streets Of Bakersfield ’ are two good examples .
3 I did not use a tape recorder for these interviews , though one might have been helpful in some ways , though perhaps inhibiting to my informants in other ways .
4 I think maybe I must have been Spanish in some former life — I feel as though I 've come home . ’
5 For example , fair dealing for research purposes might have allowed decompilation in some circumstances and implied licences might have been appropriate in some cases involving error correction and back-up copies .
6 ‘ Kevin Brown believes he may have been involved in some way .
7 ‘ There remains a suspicion he could have been involved in some way , ’ he said .
8 No explanation for the fall was ever given , though Sir Thomas believed he may have been involved in some stupid jape .
9 He may have been involved in some other misdemeanours at the same time , but he was also supporting the poll tax in the Cabinet .
10 They believe Mr MacDonald may have been involved in some kind of argument shortly before his death .
11 She might have been daft in some ways , but she knew what was in and what was out , did Mary M. She knew the right clubs to go to .
12 She 'd have been stuck in some noisy complex in Pollensa and then had to drive back to Palma to do his share of the work .
13 Having been disappointed in some of the ministers whom he had presented , the duke insisted that
14 They laughed and called each other foul names , and Hopper cleared off to Peru to begin filming The Last Movie , with an assembled group of friends who included Peter Fonda , Jim Mitchum and Michelle Phillips , of the pop group Mamas & Papas , whose former husband John Phillips had been involved in some bitter activity to gain custody of their child .
15 During her time at social services she had overseen much of the work , and had been involved in some of the preliminary work setting up housing associations to help provide much needed accommodation for the elderly .
16 The performance of students was also examined with regard to whether or not they had been involved in some type of formal study during the two years prior to entry to the DipHE .
17 Indeed , the persistent rumours before the current attack had been responsible in some measure for the slowness of the authorities to react on Dec. 1 , 1989 , and coup rumours continued well into 1990 .
18 Since Spring 1992 , Doctus have been involved in some 40 improvement teams throughout the company whose work has covered a wide range of topics .
19 Incidentally , Bob and I have been involved in some hospital visiting lately , and were surprised to find that more than half the patients in the ward had been taken ill on holiday , and consequently felt doubly cut off .
20 This is because remedial measures have been effective in some regions ( mostly in developed nations ) while in others the rate of degradation has increased .
21 At face value , decentralisation of services into communities seems eminently sensible , and reference centres have been effective in some countries .
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