Example sentences of "have be [verb] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some couples who have failed to hear what the other has been saying over a number of years may need the help of a third person , probably a trained counsellor , to get them talking again .
2 Ministers of Health would have incurred little or no extra criticism if they had failed to provide the services which the £25 million yielded by the prescription charges have made possible ; what criticism there was , would have been diffused over a hundred objects and none of it would have made a distinct impression on the mind of the electorate .
3 Any previous encounters will have been picked over a dozen times , the characters of the boys analysed in tedious detail , and interesting future possibilities considered .
4 Other techniques may also have been taken over the Atlantic by the conquistadores and , though lost from view of Spain , preserved in South America ; tremolo and on-the-box percussion , both used by King , are two of these .
5 Soon after , she recognized in a certain strain of feminist theory an approach to language which had much in common with the approach she herself had been developing over a number of years .
6 According to a statement received by the weekly Oiga , Salinas accepted responsibility for the coup attempt and declared that its aim had been to hand over the presidency to Máximo San Román Cáceres , Fujimori 's dismissed First Vice-President named " constitutional president " by the dissolved Congress [ see p. 38846 ] .
7 Although the consultants in London seemed to use their beds more effectively , 1912 patients ( an average of 39.1 per consultant ) had been waiting over a year for admission , which implies a lack of resources .
8 There were beds available for those with particular problems , such as those who had been injecting over a long period .
9 After he 'd been offered the job Archie had been taken over the new building to see the general layout .
10 But Coun. Nicholas Thorne-Wallis ( Lab ) , chairman , said that no final decision had been taken over the proposals and Coun. Mrs Rose Davison ( Lab ) called for more options to be considered by the council .
11 We 've been averaging over a quarter of a million customers a week and an indicative of this is that recently in the last week , we 've just opened an additional three thousand car parking spaces to take our grand total up to twelve thousand spaces .
12 The programme is open to people who have been mulling over an idea for some time and experts will give it the commercial analysis it needs and , if it stands up , the business planning and search for funding that it merits .
13 Well over 400 individual environmental measures have been taken over the past 12 months to deliver our commitments , ranging from telephone helplines for those concerned about air quality to major international agreements on new standards for cars and water .
14 Erm , but , having been supported by each chief officer and general manager , you will see in paragraph eleven of the report , the various actions that have been taken over the last twelve months or so , and I would like to pick out particular the fact , that chief officers are now , operating or required to have effective arrangements for achieving equal opportunity in employment in their department or unit .
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