Example sentences of "have be [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The super smooth 2.5-litre intercooled turbo-diesel , quite the best of the bunch , is pepped up 4bhp to 98bhp ; the 3-litre V-6 petrol has been breathed on to the tune of an extra 8bhp , at 147bhp .
2 Some he may be hearing in future include : Thy food is such as has been breathed on by infected lungs , ( Pericles ) — useful for insulting prison cooks .
3 Today 's new generation of black directors has been spurred on by two particular success stories .
4 The way ahead for paleontologists trying to build up a knowledge of evolution has been spurred on by the revolution in plate tectonics , which has provided a better understanding of the stratigraphic record and fossilized data .
5 That has been spurred on by the successful growth of that sector in Britain .
6 A sheet of cloth has been placed on to a stripped bed , the winding-sheet has been folded over the left-hand side of the corpse , the remainder drawn over the right , whilst the arms have been folded across the body in line with the bottom of the rib-cage .
7 ’ The other ship , ’ Posi said , confirming my thought as it formed , ’ has been locked on to our energy-field infrapattern , by means of the advanced Intelloid that controls it . ’
8 In recent years the entire MI5 registry has been transferred on to a computer at a Ministry of Defence office in Mount Row , Mayfair .
9 The financial effort the nation has been called on to make is a very large one , especially since the cost of construction per kW of nuclear capacity is about 25 per cent higher than the cost per kW of coal-fired capacity .
10 He is also proud that in 37 years he has never lost a single victim whose life he has been called on to save .
11 He claims that Stanford has been leant on by the Chinese government and by American academics , who were scared that the door to China would be closed unless he was punished .
12 The cash has been sent on to HQ where it is sorely needed ( see our Spring issue ) .
13 Turning to the subject of handwriting , this has been touched on at the beginning of this chapter .
14 The free volume concept has been touched on in previous sections but it is instructive now to consider this idea more closely and to draw together the various points alluded to earlier .
15 The psychoanalysts might suggest that your own temporary alteration of intellectual function has been projected on to me . ’
16 It 's the latest run in in a dispute which has been rumbling on for some weeks betweenthe Post office and the National Communications union .
17 The case of the proposed sale by London University 's Royal Holloway College of a good Turner , Constable and Gainsborough ( in that order ) from the collection given to it by its founder Thomas Holloway has been rumbling on since 1988 , arousing increasing indignation in some academic and most heritage circles .
18 Since then , the issue has been rumbling on in the French press , being kept alive for the fast-approaching Five Nations Championship .
19 The barbecue is hot and ready , and the water has been turned on to heat for their showers .
20 This has been pounced on by Germany , France and by the Commission — not , as the British would wish , further to liberalise trade within the Community , but , for instance , to try to abolish controls on the movement of immigrants .
21 Neither party is likely to want to wait until the matter has been decided on by a court .
22 ‘ Kalli ’ , who proved to be such a success with Warwickshire between 1971 and 1990 , has been signed on by Shropshire to play Minor County cricket now that he is English-qualified by residence .
23 Mr Maxwell , who lives in Oxfordshire , has been taken on as a part-time consultant for the London recruitment agency , Morgan Chase Associates .
24 The strongest argument we 've got is that has got a driving record worse than yours and he has been taken on despite that record .
25 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
26 The job of putting the Ryal International Pavillion , Llangollen on the Map has been taken on by Carolyn Brindle who has been appointed administrator .
27 All the responsibility has been thrown on to the regulatory body OFTEL , when it might have been possible to help the market work better .
28 Elland Road 's under-soil heating has been switched on to beat the frost and give Batty his first game since suffering a hairline ankle fracture in October .
29 The only exception is the sort of heat fault that makes a machine malfunction after it has been switched on for a given time or when the room warms up .
30 This problem has been carrying on for two months or more , and so far I have not found a successful treatment .
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