Example sentences of "have be [v-ing] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
2 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
3 By 1600 hours the load on PTA Sir Geraint , Which has been going on all afternoon , is complete to the Chief Officer 's satisfaction .
4 And do you think , if this has been going on all the years it must have , he 's going to stop now ?
5 Incredible to think that it has been going on all these years …
6 The stake out has been going on all day .
7 I said I had no objections , but I would have to ask , you know , the committee if they had because she 's not a member as such , but obviously has been going on all the year .
8 He 's not alone , judging by the contents of this week 's postbag which has been bursting with all the replies from our whose-tum-bum-or-thighs-would-you-rather-have competition .
9 Rita May ( Mrs Archer ) , whose husband died very suddenly , has been grappling with all the problems of being now on her own after forty years of happy marriage , the last 20 of which were spent at Failand near Bristol , only a short distance from the former family home of Somerville 's Margery Fry .
10 During that week I felt the Lord speak to me and I knew that this is what I 'd been looking for all my life and I decided to follow Jesus .
11 I 'd been writing a monthly column for Options as long as I 'd been writing at all .
12 This was ‘ Ace 's wave ’ , the one he 'd been waiting for all his life .
13 ‘ The irony is that I did n't realise till Christmas , when I knew I loved you , that it was someone like you I should have been looking for all these years since . ’
14 I think he must have been putting on all that business with his ankle , just to gain sympathy . ’
15 It was me she had been looking at all that time , but secretively , like a girl .
16 He had found the one he had been searching for all those years — the one wavering on the brink of eternal damnation .
17 Something inside had been hoping against all logic for a different answer .
18 Tom 's quick testing of her tendon reflexes revealed their characteristic briskness , and both the medical professionals realised that the condition was progressing , when they had been hoping against all the evidence that it would not .
19 But suddenly all that rational thinking that she had been clinging to all night was gone , gone in a puff of smoke , gone in one long and loud roll of thunder .
20 This was the moment Lynch had been building for all his life .
21 It was the one she had been rehearsing for all her life — that of martyr .
22 My flight path ended on a small ledge , my hands still grasping Olympus camera which I had been cradling for all my worth , regardless of the blows striking my body from every angle .
23 The convoys had been coming through all week .
24 Our problem had been landing at all .
25 The voices had been going on all evening .
26 The shields of his men broke bows against the shields of his enemies , and the shouting that had been going on all the time rose to a shattering yell .
27 If she had been tingling at all , it had been from fury .
28 The practice of selling honours had been increasing under all governments and it was becoming more marked in both parties .
29 When she was most irritated by Caro 's holier-than-thou , most nearly offended by how stupid/insensitive Caro must think her , with her ‘ what a world you live in ’ , and was thinking ‘ How young , how predictable , how limited you are , ’ came the twist in the conversation , the unexpected note , that looking back along the line of the conversation , was the note Caro had been heading for all the time .
30 No he said , I ca n't give it back to you , you 're the person that I 've been looking for all my life .
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