Example sentences of "have be [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The second major contextual change has been shifts in government policy , operating in the context of large scale youth unemployment .
2 There 'd been incidents of violence between gangland type er warfare between inmates .
3 There 'd been months of preparation and delays because of the weather .
4 So I walked beneath the trees and found just under my feet pieces of old concrete and what might once have been bits of wall .
5 Finally , the ‘ deme judges ’ ( again an originally Pisistratid invention ) dispensed a justice which was uniform for all Attica , but they travelled round the demes on a kind of assize circuit ; they too must have been agents of unification .
6 Surely there would have been signs of porpoise tanks or something of that kind on board , and there was only the diving equipment and the submersible research vehicle .
7 A team creates a supportive atmosphere where people are happy to go at risk , say what they really think , develop one another 's ideas and commit to an agreed course of action even though there may have been differences of opinion .
8 ‘ Eighty years ago her subjects would have been knights in armour , ladies in wimples and distress … now , in 1939 , they were bodiless heads , green horses and violet grass , seaweed , shells and fungi ’ , all executed in the style of Dali .
9 There may have been problems of mastery , of control , of appropriate letting go ; or an early refusal to let go as resistance to an over-persistent potty-training parent .
10 None of these people should ever have been prisoners of conscience .
11 There may or may not have been divisions of opinion in the ranks of the progressive Alliance , but the Conservatives were all too evidently engaged in fratricidal strife .
12 Max said there 'd have been buckets of blood , and if someone 's going to get it all over a suit , or a dress …
13 Many of these men would have been individuals of vision and creativity as well as manual dexterity .
14 Such wide spaces may have been places for furniture — certainly , a number of different positions from which to view a pavement is desirable .
15 Then the young woman laughed merrily , her voice strengthening after what must have been years of silence , and the whole strange cellar rang with that laughter , and the glass fragments tinkled like broken bells .
16 Had Mountbatten been lambasting the Arabs , there might well have been grounds for constraint .
17 There must have been concentrations of seal makers at the great temple centres , serving the larger populations of the towns .
18 Nolan regularly rides the horse , Chickweed , that Angela Brickell had care of , and there would have been opportunities for sex at race meetings , like in a horse-box , if he wanted to take the risk .
19 The daring actions of slaters , copper and lead and iron miners were described , bringing to life those now deserted valleys throughout the centre of the area which must once have been hives of industry .
20 ‘ There would have been stalls for coffee , gingerbread and souvenirs , ’ he said .
21 The win by Peter Crispe and navigator Tony Poole was an exceptionally popular one , the pair having been stalwarts of air racing for a long time .
22 Moreover , while they do show that official statistics tend to underestimate the amount of crime , it is likely that victim studies also under-record the amount — mostly because people can only report having been victims of crime if they know that they have been victimised .
23 Off Ian pedalled , to arrive at the pub a few seconds before Sally , but having been companions in adversity throughout the whole way , neither was going to claim outright victory , so agreed to declare a draw .
24 The Collector had shown such enthusiasm for its hollow wonders that he himself had been tempted and misled ; he had allowed his own small stirrings of doubt , which he recognized now to have been stirrings of conscience , to be smothered .
25 Before the War , many large consumers had generated their own electricity ( 45 per cent of industrial electricity came from self-generation in 1938 ) , and some of the larger firms , such as ICI and Ford , had been pioneers in generation technology .
26 The Davises had originally come from Grenada and the Carlsons had got to know them because their eldest child and Daryl had been friends at school .
27 There had been changes in technology , in the workforce and in the class system .
28 Even here , in this host , since Murray 's departure , there had been difficulties of command .
29 In the event there had been complications during labour and the baby was born by caesarean section while she was under general anaesthetic .
30 For the East Germans the Poles had been objects of contempt for most of Prussian history , and the loss of land to them was an insult that was not to be swallowed , but would instead produce a festering sense of indignity , shame and anger .
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