Example sentences of "that [is] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Primary sclerosing cholangitis ( PSC ) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease that is characterised by inflammation and fibrosis of both intra- and extrahepatic bile ducts .
2 It is our feeling that the council needs to be encouraged to take that attitude because if we have a change of policy as the District Council are asking , so that the number of sites released from industrial use is compensated by new green field sites being allocated , then it seems a little bit like a blank cheque to us and we should like to see a firmer control on the amount of land that is lost to development and in seeing that firmer control we 'd like to put pressure on the District Council by not offering them compensation
3 If you come to the examination with a brain that is befogged by lack of sleep and gallons of black coffee , you will not do yourself justice .
4 It may be argued that because the affective domain deals with qualitative differences it can not be planned for in the same systematic way that is applied to knowledge , and that it is best dealt with by providing suitable models , and by discussion when problems and student needs arise .
5 Mixed protein dishes include cheese sandwiches , beans on toast and porridge that is made with milk .
6 Technically , however , the tale is distinctly similar to Dame Sirith in the use that is made of dialogue and the patterning of scenes .
7 Godwin illustrates on a small scale the proximity of cesspool and pump ( Fig. 34a ) which an investigator in the town of Stafford in 1866 found to be a more general rule : ‘ The water supply of the whole town is obtained from wells , many of them in close proximity to receptacles of filth ; and I am in the habit of saying , partly in joke , but principally in earnest , that the persons living at No. 6 drink the water that is made at No. 7 .
8 However , self -awareness has affinities with the fear or belief that something will take place on the day after tomorrow ; it is , as Churchill puts it , ‘ a transaction that is made in language ’ ( 1989 : 314 ) .
9 If one takes the narrow definition of manufacturing investment , which excludes a range of investment that is made by manufacturing companies in services that no longer count as manufacturing investment but which they used to do in-house , the average for the past six years was £10.9 billion — much higher than under the previous Labour Government .
10 The CNAPS-C compiler provides two compilation paths , one producing ANSI C code that is compiled into host executable code for debugging on the host workstation with standard ANSI C development tools , the other producing CNAPS Programming Language assembly code that is assembled into CNAPS executable code .
11 The CNAPS-C compiler provides two compilation paths , one producing ANSI C code that is compiled into host executable code for debugging on the host workstation with standard ANSI C development tools , the other producing CNAPS Programming Language assembly code that is assembled into CNAPS executable code .
12 ‘ In Africa there 's very little child abuse that is caused by intention because there 's an outlet in the parts I 've been to .
13 A partner may feel that an affair will give him or her the sense of shared interest that is lacking at home .
14 First , a wide definition of the public interest leads to policy implementation that is lacking in transparency : a firm and its advisers will be unable to judge whether or not a proposed course of conduct will be acceptable to the authorities .
15 Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight ,
16 I believe this must be the heart of education , not just because every human being will have to cope with the unexpected , with disruption to routine and the loss of what is dear , but because it is singularly appropriate to the current generation of young people who find themselves growing up in a world that is characterized by instability .
17 ‘ It is important that we do not use one penny of money that is earmarked for patient care , ’ he added .
18 Water that is warmed a degree or two above freezing point sinks into the colder water below , and is replaced ; the resulting density currents stir the lake into turbulence and spread warmth , a process that is enhanced by wind-stirring as the ice disperses .
19 We solved the global food problem by applying that technology to the two thirds of the globe that is covered by water .
20 His oeuvre has become a sort of national institution that is regarded with affection by a large number of people , something akin to the singing of ‘ Land of Hope and Glory ’ on the Last Night of the Proms .
21 In our minds ‘ eating everything that is placed in front of us ’ is associated with ‘ well done , that 's a nice clean plate ’ .
22 There is yet another area of intellectual activity that is supported by reading , and this is speculation of the ‘ what if … ? ’ kind , found in science fiction ( SF ) .
23 The backup server that is providing at release ten has or employs device striping to provide linear scaleability of the backup to multiple da tape and disk devices .
24 The other is based on belief ; belief that is fixed in time , defined , indisputable and finite .
25 Because the single electron in a dithiadiazole radical , , causes S-S bond weakening ( it is in a π*; molecular orbital that is antibonding with respect to the S-S bond ) , changes in this bond distance are useful in indicating the extent of ligand to metal electron flow .
26 For example , given a suitable calibrated river basin simulation program a sequence of 100 or 200 years of daily observation can be generated and estimates made of the flow level that is exceeded on average once every 10 , 50 or 100 years .
27 When we feel good we look good , so much that is said about health might equally well come under the heading of beauty .
28 A description of 1678 is so close to the kind of situation which Mayhew would give of London in the mid-nineteenth century , that it must be taken as applying just as much to the eighteenth : a poor woman that goes three days a week to wash or scoure abroad , or one that is employed in nurse-keeping three or four months in a year , or a poor market-woman who attends three or four mornings in a week with her basket , and all the rest of the time these folks have little or nothing to do .
29 An item in your Diary ( 16 February ) is objectionable to myself and Bob Kernohan only in the lack of style that is employed in tittle-tattle and irony nowadays .
30 When writers say that intonation has accentual function they imply that the placement of stress is something that is determined by intonation .
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