Example sentences of "that [vb base] place [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This application is of benefit for queries to a computer that take place over a telephone and also for providing reading aids for the blind .
2 It will be their aesthetic appreciation , economic system and technological abilities which will be the real determinants on any settlement changes that take place as a result of exploiting the new material .
3 The members , for their part , are true to their wishes , offering support to the various social and fundraising activities — some of which are initiated by them — that take place on a regular basis .
4 The changes in potential energy that take place during a reactive collision can ne shown on an energy profile , e.g for ( See diagram RR3 )
5 Irving Fisher 's version of the quantity theory can be explained in terms of the following ‘ equation of exchange ’ : where M is the nominal stock of money in circulation and V is the transactions velocity of circulation of money ( that is , the average number of times the given quantity of money changes hands in transactions ) ; P is the average price of all transactions and T is the number of transactions that take place during the time period .
6 Schoolchildren may be maypole dancing or in the procession in fancy dress , local groups and societies enter floats , others may be involved in the fund-raising events that take place throughout the year or senior citizens may be invited to the ‘ old folks tea and treat ’ ( which takes place on the Monday ) , organised by the maypole committee and an important part of the May weekend .
7 Events or developments that take place around the 12th and 16th could leave you deflated and suspicious of other people 's motives .
8 He is looking , instead , for a classification system that will above all be simple and that will attempt to include the number of interviews that take place in a bureau , together with some classification of the clients ' main and subsidiary problems as well as the type of advice or information given .
9 Statistics show that typically it only accounts for two per cent of all the verbal behaviours that take place in a conversation .
10 ‘ If there is confidence in the reliability of informal administrative fact-finding activities that take place in the early stages of the criminal process , the remaining stages of the process can be relatively perfunctory without any loss in operating efficiency .
11 ( c ) Do n't stick rigidly to a predetermined language syllabus — allow the activities that take place in the class to range freely and develop naturally and let the occurrence of stimulating events that happen in the environment influence the vocabulary and structures that are introduced and practised in each lesson .
12 Now the one thing that I think is important is that one can not look at the problems of any given society in the world in isolation from the rest of the world as a whole , and in particular , in the case of underdeveloped countries , their problems are very much linked to the situations that take place in the developed countries .
13 All the complex chemical changes that take place within every leaf are fuelled by the energy in light , and regulated by the intensity and duration of the light available .
14 The results of the research project will hopefully provide a better understanding of the functioning of the estate agency sector as a whole and will reveal forms of organisational change that take place within a small-firm sector subject to rapid corporate invasion , paying particular attention to the way in which changes and impacts vary between localities .
15 MY APPROACH TO colour mixing is based firmly on the processes that take place within the paint film when colours are combined .
16 Labels such as ‘ mono-hierarchical ’ , ‘ mono-organizational ’ , ‘ USSR Incorporated ’ ( Meyer 1965 ) , the ‘ organizational society ’ , the ‘ command society ’ ( Rigby 1964 ) and the ‘ administered society ’ ( Kassof 1964 ) are used , implying that the political conflicts and struggles over resources , status and power that take place within the communist state are analogous to those experienced within large corporations .
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