Example sentences of "that [vb base] [vb pp] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Firms that have employed women in this way are , for example , the American concerns , the maquiladoras , that have been set up in northern Mexico near the US border .
2 High-yield-bond sales through Drexel helped finance the acquisitions that have turned Hasbro into America 's biggest toy company .
3 The fact that Derby County have now beaten Cosenza and Pisa by 3–0 margins — the two Italian sides that have defeated City in the competition — emphasises Smith 's problems .
4 ( iii ) Discussion should bring out examples of words and expressions which tend to undergo very rapid change in use or meaning — eg terms of approbation ( wicked , brill ) ; differences in the use and meanings of words as used by pupils , their parents and grandparents — eg wireless , radio , tranny , receiver ; and new words that have become part of the English vocabulary during the last 50 years or so , eg computer , astronaut , macho .
5 The issues I will be discussing are ones that have engaged philosophers for many hundreds of years and on which a vast literature has accumulated .
6 Do you think any of the erm companies that have done business with Japan would have any such pictures ?
7 Against this background of recent dramatic change in retail patterns that have remained town-based for centuries , the new guidance is welcome .
8 I would like to hear from any schemes with success in recruiting Asian carers and organisations that have undertaken research in this area .
9 Late on Sept. 20 UK Prime Minister John Major ( whose country held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1992 ) announced that he would call an emergency summit to discuss ratification of the Treaty and to " deal with the particular problems in the foreign exchange markets in recent days , that have revealed shortcomings in the exchange rate mechanism system " .
10 The term applies also to draughting machines that have increased productivity in some UK drawing offices by 300 to 400 per cent .
11 Assured tenancy companies that have raised money under the BES to invest in properties for letting are having trouble valuing their properties .
12 Replace any flexes that have damaged insulation with new flex of the correct type and current rating for the appliance concerned .
13 The severe storms that have affected Britain in the last few years may be linked with sea-surface temperatures which have been fractionally higher than the long-term average .
14 It is these positive examples of what is generally taken to be a negative force that have given rise to such concepts as ‘ white ’ ( i.e. good ) witchcraft ; they are part of our European tradition and lend a certain credence to Margaret Murray 's exaggerated presentation of a satanic underground cult of evil co-existing with orthodox Christianity . ’
15 The range of policies needed to counter the root causes that have given rise to the underclass and keep it firmly in place at the bottom of the social hierarchy are examined in Part IV .
16 They have found a position which has advanced from that of the rather more hierarchical structures that have pervaded schools in the past .
17 The Misbourne is just one of many rivers and streams that have fallen victim to the recent drought and the increase in demand for water in the south .
18 The world 's biggest wildlife hospital says it 's being overwhelmed with animals that have fallen victim to summer traffic .
19 The world 's biggest wildlife hospital says it 's being overwhelmed with animals that have fallen victim to summer traffic .
20 Not for our policy makers the quantitative techniques — such as citation indexes and patent records — that have made inroads into the US 's science policy system .
21 Times being hard , the vicious squabbles that have plagued Peru since the 1960s have broken out again , between raw-material exporters ( who want freer trade ) and manufacturers ( who want still more protection ) .
22 Many very poor countries , and even some that have suffered famines in the 1980s , like Ethiopia , have actually turned over land to cash crops for export .
23 The company is faced with estimated claims of £165 million from banks and building societies that have suffered losses from repossessing homes during the recession .
24 It is these lamps — the Philips SL and PL , the Thorn 2D and the Toshiba Neo Ball among them — that have stimulated design of lighting fittings .
25 Here are some problems that have confronted scientists in the past .
26 Jean-Pascal Delamuraz , Switzerland 's economy minister , is sweeping away some of the 20-odd price-fixing ‘ conventions ’ , a Swiss euphemism for cartels , that have stifled competition in the domestic market for the past half-century .
27 The parthenogenesis/incompatibility Wolbachia are cytoplasmically inherited symbionts of insects that have evolved mechanisms of altering mitosis in their insect hosts .
28 The evidence shows that , when adjusting output during a downturn in the economy , many firms that have taken advantage of regional assistance contract operations at those plants placed in areas that previously had high unemployment choose to close these plants .
29 Erm yes the cycle work working party has been very successful i er experiment and it has been much appreciated not only by people in the city but by the the other parties that have taken part in it .
30 Many more of the 226 schools that have taken control of their own affairs in the past three years fear victimisation if they are returned to hostile local authorities .
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