Example sentences of "that [vb base] [verb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The Greater York authorities therefore looked for a widening of the options available , er , in Greater York , and those that have seen the Greater York study , and it is a document that we 've put in to the examination will see that there was a fundamental full scale wide ranging er assessment er of all the options er open er within the er Greater York er area and they are er set out erm in pages three er and four of N Y five .
2 Lavishly illustrated , it takes in the full history of Sally B , the Great Warbirds Air Display and the personalities that have kept the UK 's largest privately-operated warbird going .
3 DURING the four decades that have followed the US Supreme Court 's landmark Roe vs Wade decision , the debate over abortion has intensified to the point of ferocity , culminating recently in the murder of an obstetrician .
4 Victories in three primaries , including the battle of New York , were a turning point that have given the Arkansas governor an unassailable lead in delegates needed for the Democrats ' presidential nomination .
5 The Hawick mills were suffering so much from a lack of orders in the second half of 1991 that JR , a regional councillor for the town , lambasted his colleagues for not doing their bit by sporting the jumpers that have given the Borders a worldwide reputation .
6 This is the latest in a series of problems that have plagued the BBC Microcomputer since its launch in 1982 .
7 However , it is the drugs companies that have bolstered the UK 's total R&D expenditure and kept it above inflation .
8 One wonders how long this shape will persist in the face of rapid changes that have revolutionised the Paragliding and Parapenting sports .
9 FERRANTI International is planning legal action against a series of obscure European registered companies which acted as intermediaries in the ‘ phantom ’ arms contracts that have brought the UK defence contractor to the brink of collapse .
10 Clinton 's eyes and Bush 's tales The economic policies that Bill Clinton and George Bush have announced seem to rely too much on old measures that have failed the US economy in the past ; can they work this time ?
11 This economic lodestar was set to achieve for the UK a reduction in interest rates , a break in the long-ingrained inflationary tendencies that have afflicted the UK economy since the war , and to increase the momentum of developing trade links between the UK and the EC .
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