Example sentences of "that [vb base] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I referred to Yorkshire six minutes ago — it has taken the hon. Gentleman that long to work up a head of steam .
2 The temptation to stay in town for a curry or a Schwarzenegger film , or both , can seriously disrupt that urge to carry on the journey up the 277 summits .
3 Nevertheless , it is possible to describe some of the typical components that go to make up a paradigm .
4 The assumption remains that most women will continue to be satisfied with conventional provision and that the others , the ‘ more liberated ’ perhaps , can choose women 's studies options which now exist amidst the many other courses that go to make up a centre programme .
5 Whatever the actual part you play in the business , or indeed , if you have to play all the parts that go to make up a funeral directing business , what is your attitude towards the job as a whole ?
6 Figure 11.4 shows the complicated web of paper transfers that go to make up a transaction .
7 They include current selection theory describing the mechanisms of biological change , accounts of animal studies that provide evidence concerning the psychobiological ‘ platform ’ from which human life ascended , inferences from infrahuman primates and other animals to man , and finally a treatment of the evolution of the component faculties that go to make up the human mind .
8 Latent inhibition training can be expected , therefore , to establish a network of associations among the component parts that go to make up the stimulus .
9 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
10 The reason why is summarised in my own ‘ Principle of inverse irreversibility ’ , a sub-paradigm of my ‘ Law of innate tendencies ’ , itself one of the laws that go to make up the all-encompassing ‘ Law of irrelevant correlates ’ , as explained in my work-in-progress , ‘ Irrelevant correlates ( and others ) ’ , which promises to be hailed on publication as the definitive analysis of systematised muddleheadedness .
11 Of all the elements that go to make up the accident causation system , the one that has received the least attention in residential areas is the design of the road network itself .
12 The third weakness is a fundamental one : various institutional differences in the operation and segregation of the many sectors that go to make up the financial services industry .
13 They are doing work which every compositor is called upon to do at some time or another , that is plain composition , " but he added that the men do " the many operations that go to make up the comp 's calling " .
14 While this kind of breakdown does help one to comprehend the various strands and stages that go to make up the current system , it is rather crude .
15 Only one event pulls together all the strands that go to make up the complete electronic publishing market , Electronic Publishing&print 1988 .
16 The Bullock Report offered clear support for language in teacher education : ‘ Among the modules that go to make up the professional training element there should be a compulsory one on language in education ’ ( DES , 1975 : 337–8 ) .
17 The nation-state , therefore , is the spatial reference point for most of the crucial transnational practices that go to make up the structures of the global system , in the sense that most transnational practices intersect in particular countries and come under the jurisdiction of particular nation-states .
18 Which system we would have to decide , who draws up the list er would the list be a U K one , a regional one or would it be one in the separate countries that go to make up the U K. A huge amount of discussion there , not a chance missed at all , er he wanted a separate seat for for Cornwall .
19 The Book of Earth , the cornucopia of all the tiny books that go to make up The Book of Languages and even more disconcertingly , The Book of Mirrors , are all locked up in a glass case .
20 The term hardware refers to the electronic and electromechanical bits and pieces that go to make up the machine .
21 They are some parents that do bringing out a book .
22 News of the Polish plan comes hot on the heels of the introduction of restrictions on currency convertability that threaten to wipe out the Slovakian market ; both developments underline the degree of risk that is still attached to operating in the region .
23 Most biological systems have feedback mechanisms that help smooth out the little fluctuations that life throws at them .
24 Or bits that have gone down the wrong way ?
25 Never rinse reusable filter materials in tap water and never use detergents or you will damage or totally destroy the beneficial bacteria that have built up the efficiency of the filter unit .
26 Connections of seven of the 11-strong field have persuaded themselves that their chances merit the late production of a £10,000 entry fee , beliefs that have pumped up the penalty value to over £133,000 .
27 Their bodies have become greatly flattened , their pectoral fins enlarged into undulating lateral triangles that have taken over the function of locomotion .
28 In situations like this the school 's efforts to overcome the problem deserve emphasising and the anger deflected to national policies that have brought about the situation .
29 The efforts made by Sussex police — and the three other UK forces that have set up a specialist antiques squad — are hampered by the fact that knocking in itself is not illegal .
30 In fact the Council that have put up the money to buy Medley boat station was in fact the Oxford City Council , so it is actually slightly different
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