Example sentences of "that [vb past] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , a second Iraqi ship has tried to breach the U N trade embargo imposed against Iraq : earlier today a British warship , H M S Battleaxe , fired warning shots across the bows of one vessel that failed to stop for a cargo inspection .
2 The pale daylight that entered came from a single tiny window in the front wall , but there were no curtains .
3 Even though the task — one that involved pedalling on a stationary bicycle — was equally demanding at all times , it was felt by the volunteers to be most difficult to achieve in the middle of the night .
4 But here there was no statutory authority , and although there were several paths that seemed to lead to a solution , none of them went the whole way .
5 Clearly it had been taken several years earlier , but it showed , even then , the supercilious cast of a face which had looked into the camera with head held well back , and lips that seemed to smile with a curious arrogance above the Vandyke beard .
6 For , in the book of Daniel ( 12:4 ) there is a prophecy that seemed to speak of a time when many would pass to and fro and knowledge would be increased .
7 True scholars that came to speak to a man before noon .
8 The two years of intensive guerilla war that followed led to a Truce in July , 1921 .
9 It was while I was in this slough of despond that my publisher rang to ask if I would like to read a manuscript that needed transforming into a readable book before it could be published .
10 Fraser 's relief at being able to resume a career that looked destined for a premature encounter with the scrapheap is manifest .
11 And wreckage has been found of two American helicopters that went missing on a routine mission from the U S S Okinowa .
12 Fourteen trade cards issued by London undertakers during the period c.1680 to c.1760 survive , and as none indicate any other craft-affiliation it must be assumed that they were able to furnish from stock all that went to provide for a funeral .
13 However , not all females show equally strong preferences , and they decided to breed from the females that did mate with a quadrimaculata male , to see whether their offspring would also show the preference .
14 The ‘ Fouchet plan ’ that ensued called for a summit every four months ; for foreign , defence and education ministers to meet regularly ; and for a special secretariat .
15 A Hampshire hotel hit on a clever country house compromise with gentle piano recordings that appeared to come from a live performer in the next room — creating a delightful backdrop to afternoon tea .
16 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
17 Soon after its talks with Wells Fargo fell through , Security Pacific announced that it was cutting back its international operations , once a big growth area , because of bad loans in Britain and Australia that had contributed to a $230m fourth-quarter loss .
18 Last time she had slipped out in the dark like this was on the night the Doyles had come , the night that had ended with a mystery and a death .
19 ‘ That 's the trouble with Nicky , ’ Constance told Louise after she had returned from yet another evening that had ended with a quarrel .
20 The katun , comprising twenty years of 360 days , was the most important unit of time in the Maya view , because the events in one katun were expected to approximate to those in a previous katun that had ended on a day with the same number .
21 To Karen , that had sounded like a lot of Jessica 's most harsh and brittle statements , the harshness and the brittleness barely concealing something darker underneath .
22 The Authority was less successful in its attempt to ensure that disciplinary proceedings were brought against a detective superintendent , whose early retirement from the Metropolitan Police in 1989 meant that he avoided questions about his links with drug smuggling and criminal gangs , queries that had arisen after a World in Action television programme which had made serious allegations about corruption in the London police .
23 It was the last thing in the world I wanted to do , but I could n't refuse , not after the work that had gone into a production like this .
24 After a week of fighting , the war that had begun with a thunderous high-tech blitzkrieg in the skies over Baghdad had not yet delivered visible proof of victory .
25 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
26 But ten million people had died in a campaign that had begun as a summer frolic in 1914 and now ended in a shower of November rain .
27 The 5Os was a time when the hatred , fears and austerities of wartime Europe were still in recent collective memory , as were the two ounces of mildewy cheese that had to do for a whole week 's ration in those blackout , blitz and Mother Hubbard 's cupboard days of the previous decade .
28 Although the young man and Mrs H. denied rectal intercourse , it is probable that this was the site that had served as a source of the infection , which had presumably originated with her husband over a year previously .
29 The bright evening skies that had served as a backdrop for the parade of revenants had been blotted out by a darkness which entombed them once more in the grave of the past .
30 By 1991 that had risen to a quarter .
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