Example sentences of "that [vb past] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Collapse breccias , however , are not related to any particular facies and potential reservoirs resulting from this process are most likely to be found around structural highs that became exposed at various times since , the Zechstein .
2 Announcing the changes in a Commons written answer , Lord James said that planned spending on legal aid would still rise by 40 per cent over the next three years , in spite of the changes , with more people than ever being granted legal aid .
3 But mostly it was directed towards herself , and whatever it was in her that seemed to respond to some call given out by the least suitable of men ; despite what she 'd been through in the past couple of years she appeared to have learned precisely nothing .
4 I found , in retrospect , that my participant observation had a ‘ career ’ that seemed to proceed through three stages : passive , interactive and active .
5 Those light bulbs that seemed to go like mad are erm Tesco 's own brand .
6 Its sing-a-long chorus was tempered with a churning ending that seemed to stretch for half the song .
7 She looked from face to face in the darkness , faces that seemed to belong to hideous inquisitors , with the torch beams casting harsh angular shadows from below into their upturned faces .
8 But she had turned her face to the camera and it had caught a look that she could find nowhere else and indeed that seemed to belong to another girl ; she barely recognised herself .
9 It has been said that at the court of Poitiers " the gilded youth of Poitou and Aquitaine breathed an air that seemed to belong to some tale of chivalry " .
10 After a few thrusting minutes Edward gave a strangled cry that seemed to come from deep in his throat and jerked out of her .
11 These comforted her , not because she had any faith in their message , but because they were phrased with some beauty ; they were made up of words that seemed to apply to some large and other world of other realities , and they bore witness , also , to the fact that somebody had thought it worth his while to put them up .
12 The families that came to live in these new terraced rows came from far afield , including some from Ireland .
13 Experimental results showing the involvement of RNA and protein synthesis in memory formation could readily be accommodated to the new molecular thinking , but what really raised the temperature of the whole enterprise were reports that began to appear of bizarre memory experiments involving planaria .
14 The conversation that followed went like this , as far as I can remember .
15 The drinking session that followed stretched until 4.00 am ; the players disproving the theory that time and tide wait for no man .
16 I know , I went through a period of a very much milder popularity in the United States in the seventies , nothing like what Neville has enjoyed or has been squashed by , which maybe is lucky for me , but the idea was that erm Rolling Stone , when I was doing it , became very heavily innovative and there was like countless magazines , you know weekly newspapers in different cities , sections of dailies , everything , that started looking like Rolling Stone there for a while .
17 ‘ I used to sit around between training and after meals and that meant putting on extra pounds that had to be worked off .
18 It did n't seem like a diet — in fact , if there was one sentence that kept reappearing in most of the letters I received , it was : ‘ You ca n't call this a diet , it 's more a way of eating ’ .
19 He passed some coins over without counting , staring stupidly at the eyes that looked hurt with expected rejection , as if the man knew what would be said to put him off .
20 Er it 's difficult for people to appreciate today er the amount of political activity that took place during this early thirty period , and it 's pe difficult for people to appreciate the political understanding that did exist over this period .
21 The TV western seemed to fade into the sunset some time in the mid-1970s , victim of a narcissistic age that preferred to look at prosperous , smart-alecky or violent images of itself ( Dallas , Cheers , Miami Vice ) .
22 first , there was the accretion of new powers and the growth in scale of those that continued to rest with local authorities .
23 The chosen organisation was a local authority that had participated in earlier developments , but this time the study examined the problems that had arisen in the Highways and the planning departments following the establishment of a common unit providing both with financial , administrative , personnel and computer support .
24 The financial mismanagement that had reigned before 1911 was ended with the employment of professional accountants .
25 It took the 45 ton bulldozer just 8 minutes to flatten 4 homes that had stood for 52 years .
26 Took a walk in the fields saw an old wood stile taken away from a favourite spot which it had occupied all my life the posts were overgrown with Ivy & it seemed so akin to nature & the spot where it stood as tho it had taken it on lease for an undisturbed existance it hurt me to see it was gone for my affections claims a friendship with such things but nothing is lasting in this world last year Langley Bush was destroyd an old white thorn that had stood for more than a century full of fame the gipsies shepherds & herdmen all had their tales of its history & it will be long ere its memory is forgotten .
27 He played down the adverse conditions that had led to low lambing rates by pointing to the limit of 205,000 tonnes that could be sent to Europe under the voluntary restraint agreement .
28 The issues at stake could hardly have been greater , and they concerned the other members of the world community just as much as they concerned the USSR : for it was not only in the USSR that an answer was being sought to the question as to whether there could be a ‘ third way ’ — a socialism that ensured a decent and equitable living for all its members and yet avoided monopolistic concentrations of power of a kind that had led to political repression in the USSR and other communist-ruled nations .
29 If we did n't know that terrible things like war had happened , or why they had happened , it would be so easy for us as a country to continue with the same policies that had led to these mistakes in the past .
30 The political and ideological factors that had led to popular support for and involvement in the inter-imperialist war of 1914–18 and the anti-fascist war of 1939–45 could no longer be used to justify the use of means of warfare which , it became clear , not only involved disproportionate suffering but endangered the future of humanity .
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