Example sentences of "that [noun prp] have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 The first soldier remembered that Medoc had always been called the dark , evil , beautiful one , and Dorrainge said , ‘ Oh yes , he is all of that , ’ and several people looked thoughtful .
2 With hindsight , he thought it probable that Arabella had also been there alone , to meet Ivor .
3 Lucien was n't quite sure how he felt about being a second choice , but comforted himself with the knowledge that Garimel had undoubtedly been bought by a less lenient household .
4 Franca decided that Alison had probably been drinking on the plane and was already a bit tipsy .
5 Charles remembered that Gerald had always been like that .
6 It was now obvious that Amelia had never been in charge .
7 Even as I am recounting the edited version , it occurs to me that Fairfax has probably been doing the same thing .
8 The court had heard that Rhys had now been accepted for a transplant operation at a Bristol hospital and the search was on for a suitable bone marrow donor .
9 It is possible that Mexico has also been approached , but again there is no indication that the latter has proved responsive to such an offer .
10 Rooms that Eleanor 's never been near . ’
11 It may be the case — I hope it is — that Borg has always been a much happier man than he has seemed , and that his resumption of his old trade is more a matter of idle curiosity about himself than it is a neurotic search for lost identity .
12 Well I 'll be going up to watch that match that Hugh 's just been talking about .
13 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
14 Love reveals that Yorkshire have already been in Cape Town for a week and that their England A captain , Martyn Moxon , will be flying in from Australia to join them this weekend .
15 Well I 'm certain that if you looked at every post in the City we could certainly save one or two , I do n't think anyone would deny that , but the sort of cases that Queenie 's just been talking about , I think she 's talking absolute nonsense .
16 They learn from past experience how to read the actions of the monetary authorities and , as a result , nullify even the short-run scope for non-neutrality that Friedman had earlier been prepared to countenance .
17 She tried to feel pleased that she had n't descended from such uncompromising stock , but it was still a shock to have been told that William Ash was not her father , and that Eddie had only been her half-brother .
18 The Express dubs the Grant-Livingstone team the ‘ nightmare ticket ’ , and reminds us that Grant has sometimes been known to the tabloids as ‘ Barmy Bernie ’ .
19 William Stukeley further elaborated the legend in the eighteenth century when he proposed that the St. Peter 's area of Stamford was the site of Hengist 's town , despite the fact that Stamford has never been in Lindsey .
20 ‘ I know what all the world knows , ’ his sister maintained stoutly , ‘ and that is that Fatima has always been a true wife to you . ’
21 There are buildings and annexes that Vic has never been inside .
22 and there 's so much of the kind of change in the last few chapters leading up to this which suddenly got Jesus being spat at Saint Mark is telling us that Jesus has now been condemned .
23 It was entirely fortuitous that the aircraft involved was a Boeing 707 and that Geoffrey had formerly been a BOAC Boeing 707 captain .
24 Oh , I 'd forgotten that , yes , it 's this sort of tendency that Liverpool 's always been good , but I remember .
25 It appeared then that Adam had actually been out shooting the last time he was here .
26 But there is no evidence that Julian had ever been a nun before her immurement , nor is there anything distinctively Benedictine about her spirituality .
27 Thousands of school children , all of them well over sixteen , were crammed there into a large tall gilt room , and told not to insult the French , not to talk to Arabs , and not to go to Montmartre : then an English lady stood up and said that Paris had always been for her a source inépuisable de something , and everyone clapped , and then they were all turned out again , rather quickly , for the room was clearly needed for something else .
28 Abu Jaber said that " the Palestinian people must be allowed to exercise their right of self-determination in their ancestral homeland " and added : " Let me speak plainly that Jordan has never been Palestine and will not be so . "
29 It seemed that Belov had only been waiting for her to ask .
30 Or she could , if she thought of it in time , say that Derek had always been the most frightful liar .
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