Example sentences of "that [noun prp] [modal v] have been " in BNC.

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1 The architectural parallels between Canterbury and Chichester suggest that William may have been the master architect at Chichester during the rebuilding of 1187–99 .
2 She told Nigel proudly that Alison could have been anything she wanted , even an air hostess .
3 She groaned and turned over , hoping she would fall asleep again , but her brain insisted on relaying pictures of her twin , so vividly that Dana could have been in the same room .
4 Relations between Lang and Salmond are not good at the best of times but , given that the SNP had been in the same lobby as the Government the night before , it might have been expected that Lang would have been at least polite .
5 He told me he knew that Ken would have been an impossible person to live with .
6 I can not think that Taggy would have been obliged to turn away her admirers otherwise . ’
7 Her last depressing thought before she fell asleep was that Ross must have been thoroughly bored by her complete lack of sophistication , and it was extremely unlikely that he would ever want to see her again .
8 It was unthinkable that Mick could have been right .
9 It is possible they were acting on their own initiative , in the belief that Stalin would have been pleased to have Kirov removed .
10 And Cecil now suggests that Tenby may have been short of oxygen because his tongue was over his bit .
11 Indeed : if even boys were really to be left on an island I do not think that Simon would have been amongst them ; he is very much a symbol rather than a character , and represents the force of good in Golding 's book .
12 ‘ Would you accept that Livesey might have been there ? ’
13 But in visiting units who would shortly be involved in the repatriation of the Cossacks , and in discussions with Gen Keightley and his staff , we believe that McCreery would have been fully briefed on the plans for the Cossack repatriation operation which had been issued by 5 Corps to all divisional commands the previous day , 24 May [ KP 245 ] .
14 In January 1983 , BBC2 's Man Alive showed a documentary called ‘ Only Time Would Tell ’ which discussed the life of Matthew Crosby , an 18 year old Down 's teenager mainly through the eyes of his mother , Anne Crosby , who continues to believe that Matthew would have been better off dead and recalls her desire to end his life with a pillow a few days after his birth .
15 It was obvious that Matthew would have been more at home at the little desk by the window , where there was only a kitchen chair to sit on .
16 It had never occurred to her that Elaine would have been brave enough to do that .
17 In addition , Britain 's team manager Joan Allison wants neutral starting officials at major championships after suggestions that Jackson might have been the victim of home town bias .
18 The belief that Worrell should have been appointed was extremely strong throughout the Caribbean , and it found its expression through C.L.R. James , then editor of the Trinidad newspaper The Nation .
19 In a few days or weeks Francis would almost certainly have made a will and it was unlikely that Anna would have been the principal , let alone the sole beneficiary .
20 It is probable that Uhuru could have been commercially successful on its own , unlike the Nationalist , which certainly was not .
21 The apostles had hoped that Jesus would have been the one to set the people free .
22 Grant got the impression that Larsen must have been waiting for his signal , like a sprinter crouched in his blocks waiting for the starter 's gun to launch him into motion .
23 Though it has been suggested that Cynddylan may have been among Penda 's British allies at the Winwaed , there is no direct evidence for this , but when Penda attacked Oswiu in the mid-650s he is said to have been supported by British kings ( HB ch. 64 ) , principal among whom was Cadafael ap Cynfedw , king of Gwynedd ( HB ch. 65 ) .
24 Yet the expectation has persisted that Handel ought to have been shown next to some larger and more recognizably worthy instrument .
25 Additionally , the fact that this part of the movement was written out by Leopold suggests that Mozart may have been working on another part of the symphony while his father was copying the part that already existed .
26 Alec Bedser 's comment soon afterwards — that Botham would have been sacked had he not resigned — is recalled with contempt .
27 In verse fourteen and fifteen , Jesus uses an illustration that Nicodemus would have been very familiar with , it was back in th in the ancient history of the nation of Israel , when they were wandering through the wilderness and he says , just as Moses a , way back there on that occasion lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , there had been this plague , if if you have plagues of serpent , there had been this plague of serpents , and they 'd bitten the people and they were dying like flies and Moses comes to God , he says what are you gon na do ?
28 Hearing a BBC broadcast on 30 January , both Hunter and Stirling were worried that Jalo might have been evacuated , as indeed it had .
29 Despite suggesting that God must have been on the side of the Philistines in the battle , they talk as if God is literally enthroned above the ark , and the bringing of it to the camp will mean the bringing of God himself .
30 Matey , like Dr Neil , thought that McAllister might have been spoiled and pampered in her old life , but she had certainly been exposed to many good principles of conduct , even if she was headstrong .
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