Example sentences of "that [adv] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In addition it was suggested that only about a quarter of the earlier sample of women had used birth control methods other than withdrawal compared with 57 per cent of the latter group .
2 They both were astonished that so far no indication of trouble had come from the town common ; but reckoned that it would not be long now before it did , for a few escapers from the castle had been glimpsed running in that direction .
3 Before moving on to make use of the database , it was necessary to assess whether or not the data itself was valid for the organisation being studied , bearing in mind that so far the exercise had been a systems-thinking one , rather than a study of what was happening in practice .
4 Douglas Scott , the region 's senior corporate advisor , said that so far the council has concentrated on upping the region 's profile in Brussels and honing its statistical case .
5 We can conclude that so far the law 's quest to subject the power conferred on corporate managers to controls to prevent it from being exercised arbitrarily has not been successful .
6 Large volume users , like British Steel and ICI , have complained that so far the market mechanism has not proved effective
7 Erm I think just I 've answered that just probably the way you put it .
8 Is the Prime Minister aware that just over an hour ago I received a letter from British Alcan , which has a factory in my constituency at Falkirk , informing me that 169 of the work force will lose their jobs , not because they are inefficient but because the machinery on which they work is 50 years old ?
9 If you have tried Bolo 's Adventures part 1 and you are thinking that just maybe the author has run out of difficult problems to set for you , well think again .
10 A recent divorce petition cited the fact that just about every wall , fitment and piece of furniture in the home was in a half-dismantled or half-done state and had been for years .
11 There is the fact that more recently the unit has promulgated stark rules including a drastic sanction in the event of breach .
12 ‘ Ca n't you leave us alone now ? ’ he pleaded and Wexford felt impotently that once again the man was enclosing himself within the unimpregnable defence of grief .
13 We must all despair that once again the bullet has triumphed over the brain .
14 The second step is that really frankly the history of all great civil rights and human rights movements has sadly been that it 's often only through challenging the law , indeed even breaking the law , that injustices are put right .
15 It further notes that the curriculum should take account of ‘ the ethnic diversity of the school population and society at large ’ , and draws attention to the principle that as wide a range of children as possible should have access to the whole curriculum .
16 However , in a more recent study Nyman and Silberston cast some doubt on the growth of management control , reporting that as high a figure as 56.25 of the top 250 companies in the UK were still controlled by shareholders , and concluding that ‘ the extent of managerial control is more limited than has been thought and may not have an inexorable tendency to increase .
17 Cheshire notes that even so a number of alternating items and structures did not occur frequently enough for a quantitative analysis , and some of the frequencies for the variables which were analysed are very low .
18 It meant that business was devalued relative to the professions so that even now a career in business ranks second in the minds of many new graduates to a career in one of the more established professions .
19 The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the cumulative capital cost of protecting developed areas of the United States against the expected sea-level rise by the year 2100 would be $73–111 billion at 1988 prices and that even then an area equivalent to the size of Massachusetts would be lost through flooding ( Gribbin , 1990 ) .
20 So that there , there may be a , an important personnel problem th th that you realize that well okay the option of going for land reform is , is there but you 're saying er it 's likely trouble my experience of the past is that , that radical land reform is , is disruptive it could affect production , it could get out of hand , it could alienate people in order to control them we need a lot cadres on the ground and we have n't got them .
21 Er and then to contrast this you 've got like the feminist view er well it 's a just reconstruct a lot of these ideas instead of saying that women 's talk was diffident they said it was more considerate , and so the idea that quite often A lot of the features that are in this conversation are n't because women want to be deferential to the men they 're talking to , it 's that they actually want to show some consideration to the turn-taking or the conversational style that 's going on .
22 The reason for this advice is that quite possibly the question was set as a trap , and if you refrain have avoided it by good luck rather than good management .
23 The abundant supply of other meats and new sources of pigs from Eastern block countries , flowing into the EEC through the newly opened border between East and West Germany , meant that quite suddenly the honeymoon period was over .
24 Any judge with even half a brain would surely concede that however inappropriately the Duchess of York might have behaved in the past year , even she has yet to acquire such a proven track record on rearing maladjusted children as Her Majesty the Queen .
25 It is important to remember that however carefully the wood is finished , any imperfections will be apparent , particularly if the work is finished with a high gloss .
26 Finally , it is important to note that however tight an exclusion clause may be , it will not prevent the introduction of new fiduciary duties into the relationship between firm and customer as it develops over time .
27 Ian Smith , the Gloucester Captain says that funnily enough the team have been playing better away from home , but it 's a big game .
28 I accept that very frequently a decision made which directly affects one person or body will also affect , indirectly , a number of other persons or bodies , and that the law does not require the decision-making body to give an opportunity to every person who may be affected however remotely by its decision to make representations before the decision is reached .
29 Or would you rather have the security of knowing that , whenever in the years to come your employer may decide , for whatever reason , that you should go , you will be cushioned by a generous notice period which allows you to look for something else without the fear that very shortly the money will be running out ?
30 The president , according to the constitution has the executive power that executive power depends to a large part on the willingness of congress to provide the legal framework moments in which there is harmony and cooperation between president and congress tend to be exceptional rather than er a regular feature of the American system and if er the president manages to get something through congress , you can bet that very quickly the president will face some defeat in congress shortly thereafter to remind the president that the United States does not have , contrary to the popular press , does not have a presidential system of government .
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