Example sentences of "that [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Knowing that nearly every parish in the country had their own guild or fraternity at one time , it is all the more frustrating to learn that little exists from the once vast stock of pre-Reformation funerary artefacts .
2 These stéles discoïdales are formed of a roughly engraved stone disc on top of a sturdy , tapering base and you find them either buried well into the earth so that little shows above the ground except the disc or else standing clearly up above it ( see Plate I ) .
3 Part of the trouble stemmed from a dislike of Sandys ' refusal to heed professional advice , and from his propensity for allowing the senior civil servants in the Ministry of Defence to usurp the powers that properly belonged to the Chiefs of Staff .
4 That was when Sharpe bothered to show himself at the Prince 's headquarters at all ; he evidently preferred to spend his days riding the French frontier which was a job that properly belonged to the pompous General Dornberg , which thought reminded the Prince that Dornberg 's noon report should have arrived .
5 It was thought desirable to hedge it about with safeguards that would prevent the representatives from arrogating to themselves the powers and authority that properly belonged to the people .
6 There are some powers and relationships that recognizably fall within the rubric of the Constitution .
7 The civil servants ensured that our drafts were the ones that eventually went into the Statutes , so we were able to return to our second Report .
8 He then uses much the same repertory of colours and patterns and fin displays as he did for aggression , but in a female these trigger a series of different responses that eventually culminates in the laying of eggs .
9 The dangerous stimulus is sensed by another sensory neuron , whose synapse connects with one or more interneurons that eventually run into the same synapse connecting with the motor neuron that controls the mantle muscles .
10 The sailor would hold the egg to his mouth and let the albumin form a string that eventually extended to the large intestine .
11 As an undercover customs agent based in Tampa , Florida , it was his suggestion to target a small-time Colombian drug-money launderer called Gonzalo Mora Jnr that eventually led to the uncovering of a huge laundering operation centred on BCCI .
12 It would seem that perhaps browsing at the shelves should not be considered as an alternative to catalogue use ; instead browsing support at the catalogue could bee seen as perhaps improving retrieval effectiveness at the shelves by providing direction or orientation through navigational aids .
13 Attention is drawn to the fact that , while the balance conditions ( 7.9 ) and ( 7.10 ) for the Maxwell L-C bridge are independent of frequency , those for the Hay version are frequency dependent , so that for good results with this version an extremely pure sinusoidal source is needed and , ideally , a detection system that only responds to the same frequency .
14 But it 's an exception to the hearsay rule that only applies against the maker .
15 Brown coals and lignites have experienced only mild heat and pressure ; anthracite , the highest quality coal , requires the extremes that only occur during the formation of mountains .
16 It can also be left running continuously , to track down those faults that only occur in the absence of a service engineer .
17 hidden criticisms that only appear in the interpersonal context : the classic ‘ utopian plan ’ , ‘ not feasible ’ , ‘ without economic basis ’
18 Within this framework , Ryan makes two main proposals , both extremely interesting : first , that plot-advancing propositions can be defined as those that affect , directly or indirectly , the relationships between the worlds that make up the textual universe ( Chapter 7 ) ; second , that the aesthetic value or " tellability " of a story partly depends on the degree of diversification of such worlds , i.e. on the richness of the virtual situations and events that only exist in the minds of the characters ( whether they are explicitly mentioned in the narrative or need to be inferred by readers ) ( Chapter 8 ) .
19 Unfortunately the letter to Sarah Catt arrived first and it was she who was the first to break the news — by phone — to Charman , a circumstance that only added to the unpleasant situation .
20 As the hacks speculated about the cloud of black smoke that suddenly appeared over the palace roof — it did not mean that no decision had been taken , only that a chimney had caught fire — the President was browsing in his favourite bookshop , Les Arcades , just below The Sunday Telegraph 's Paris office .
21 Instantly , the reaching figure became a puppet , jerking backwards in a pirouette that suddenly collapsed with the abrupt finality of cut strings .
22 What , what , what , what you 're , what we 're doing erm and hopefully seek their support on , on some areas that literally falls within the Regional er Liaison Group 's remit anyway .
23 The permission of the Chief Constable was also a disadvantage in the field because it raised doubts among respondents about the purpose of the researcher 's questions over and above those that naturally arise from the political situation in Northern Ireland .
24 The maximization of inclusive fitness requires a motivational assertion in the performance of strategies that necessarily conflict with the similar strategies of others , for animals ( and humans ) live in a world of finite supplies .
25 It 's a talent that obviously runs in the family .
26 This is a problem that rightfully belongs to the subject of the electrical properties of materials , so I can not say very much about it .
27 UI is rightly concerned that constantly harping on the about the incompatibilities between Destiny and Solaris will only demoralise software houses and lose applications for Unix .
28 A flicker of recollected pleasure that swiftly turned to the pain of regret crossed his face .
29 I think that better go in the kitchen
30 First , they cleared away the living grasses that valiantly pushed at the surface and then the dried stuff from the previous year .
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