Example sentences of "that [pers pn] have [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is no doubt about the high quality of housing stock that has been built by the Housing Executive in Northern Ireland and every time I see it I am envious and wish that I had some of it in Wigan .
2 You are perhaps aware ’ , wrote Gould grandly to William Swainson in January 1837 , ‘ that I have two of Mrs Goulds ’ brothers in Australia engaged in collecting the natural product of that fine country , nearly the whole of which are consigned to myself and that consequently I possess perhaps greater facilities than most persons for the production of a work of this description .
3 Erm the information that I have available to me would suggest therefore that the A nineteen erm when it 's dualled would be a superior and therefore to get a better score erm on on that criterion .
4 If they did , the resources required would " clearly be beyond all that I have available in this theatre " .
5 She wished that she had one of the dogs with her but both were with their master .
6 He had taken no precautions during their love-making but she had assured him that she had that under control .
7 Not that she had much of a future to look forward to .
8 Shortly afterwards , over lunch at the Savoy , the daughter of du Maurier 's American publisher announced to Forster that she had hundreds of letters from Daphne to her mother , Ellen Doubleday .
9 ‘ I got the impression that she had several on a string . ’
10 I remembered then that you had some of your luggage in Mariánské Láznë .
11 Well this is the risk you have to take but er , and it 's a , it 's a profit at this stage where er people are coming up to receiving lump sums in retirement and wonder how best to invest it , well seems to me there 's no better investment than to , than to put it into tax free sources that you have available to you .
12 It may well be that you do n't actually do that , it may be that you have one to one meetings with people or group meetings er which could be when you have to put across your point of view .
13 If you get the job of project manager , you must recognize that you have one of the most complex and demanding tasks you can get .
14 A. If your Temporales are still about the same size they I am afraid it is extremely likely that you have two of the same sex , as size is a major sexual difference in this species , with males around 50 per cent bigger in all directions than females .
15 But yes , erm it , it 's partly sediment brought down from inland , it 's also the fact that you have offshore of Rye the area of Winchelsea Beach and so-called Rye Harbour which is somewhat detached from the town of Rye , and there 's been an enormous accumulation of shingle there , so that the Castle , which was built in , that 's Camber Castle which was built in the reign of Henry the Eighth , since that time the shoreline at Winchelsea Beach , as a result of the accumulation of shingle , has moved in excess of one point five kilometres seaward of that point , and so obviously erm Rye is now much further inland than it was at that time .
16 The preacher 's enquiry , ‘ Do you KNOW … do you KNOW , that you have ready for you houses , houses I say ; I say do you KNOW ; do you KNOW that you have houses in the heavens not made with hands ? ’ falls on ears preoccupied with earthly buildings and builders .
17 round the fact that I hope that the auditor is n't gon na try and isn pretend that we had that for all last year .
18 that we had that like a little sitting room , I just had a settee in there and a couple of chairs , it was lovely and cosy in there
19 The day before the Sale it was calculated that we had 640 of our ‘ regulation ’ boxes ( given to us by the china shops ) filled with about 26,000 books – all sorted and priced by then .
20 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
21 Erm , one of the things we had on the stall is erm this erm application form for N H S charges , now many people including probably people here do n't know that erm , you do n't have to be on supplementary to get help and Ann knows actually , er if your getting any rent or rate rebate and you fill this in , you 'll get some help , in some cases quite considerable help , and I suggested that we had some of these on our store room , got some from Welfare Rights , and they went like hot cakes , because most people did n't know about this , so following that we shall have , we shall keep these on our stall and I 've more or less suggested that Lisa on Age Concern in the Leah Manning should have them there because she 's constantly getting enquiries on that , so she is going to do that .
22 It was only earlier this year when the announcement was made about the extension of the east-west route that we had some of the information we 'd been seeking .
23 'If my writings are to last , ’ he said in 1835 , ' … they will please tor the single cause , ‘ That we have all of us one human heart ’ . ’
24 This is only a few of the Swan Yachts that we have available in Germany .
25 We are lucky in this country that we have some of the better zoos , and indeed host what is widely recognised as the best , Jersey .
26 They grew big and strong and healthy , for he saw to it that they had all of the best , particularly in winter , and nothing to fear — except the running knot in the hedge-gap and the wood-path .
27 During that two hours they realised that they had much in common .
28 Both admitted that they had much in common with the Liberals , but both dreamt of political careers with the Conservatives .
29 Though Steven had not yet qualified as a doctor/passed his A levels/opened his restaurant/learned to tell the difference between a gasket and a sprocket , it was obvious that they had much in common .
30 Lydia watched it , thinking that they had much in common except that she had her prey in her grasp and was already preparing it for consumption .
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